An awkward silence enveloped their little company as two chefs emptied the content of their tray on the table and walked away.

"This one is new, bread and cold coffee" Ham asked, more of a question than a statement.

"I like coffee when it is cold, so please, if you don't like it, do well to shove it this direction, mine is too small." Matt said and noticed the crease forming on Ham's face, even though the boy grumbled under his breath, he passed the coffee nonetheless.

"Old habits die hard" Raz emphasis shooting a glance at Matt "Anyway, Jeff and Ema are probably on their way back to the academy, we should make plans for them to sneak back into the block without detection."

"Make plans? I thought we already had a plan" Matt asked worriedly, and for a moment until Raz replied, it seemed as though he had lost his appetite.

"We do have a plan, but that was before the inquisitor showed up."

"What has the presence of the Inquisitor got to...?" Matt was interrupted