"Alex, what in the Heroes square are you doing here? Go meet the others and stop perturbing him." She said impatiently, flashing a quick smile that barely hid the frown.

Alex smiled and ran out of the room without dropping another word.

"I apologize if my brother disturbed your peace," Vanessa said and dropped a black bag on the table "he's sometimes troublesome and always goes around looking for people to worry. Anyway, how is the headache?"

Jeff rubbed his brow as if that was a way to check for the symptoms. He was fine now and he knew it. His action was just an act to remember the girl's name.

From the word VA…N… yea I remember. Vanessa. Her name is Vanessa.

"I'm fine Vanessa, whatever it was in that bottle did a great job. The taste was horrible but I'm fine now." He said and stood up "You won't make a bad physician you know?"