Matt pushed the button on the wall of the vessel and the door slide open to the outside world. He steadied his feet on the Air Tripler. Waiting. Observing. The wind was harsh and bashed his face, fluttering his blonde hair and bringing tears to his sea-blue eyes. He had only done this once, with his Roller-Board, back in the academy. This was different though, the wind, the cloud, and the feeling in his stomach. There was nothing like it. If there was another way, he was sure he could have taken that road, but those guys were getting away, and the only means to stop them was through this way.

"Matt!, Matt! Don't do this, buddy. Please don't do this." Someone shouted, but Matt paid no mind to him. He would try to talk him out of it. Yes, the boy would try to tell him how insane his plans were. He would advise him to take things nice and slow.