Pinna's emerald green eyes elevated to the tall buildings that touched the blue heavens. It was easy to see the blinking posters and the adverts that lined the two hands of the magnetic rail. The streets still glowed with the evening sun, mucking the moist air that hung on the bridge of her nostrils.

She crossed the street, just before the horn from a Land Tripler echoed. Even though the land Tripler glided on the magnetic rail, it shook the earth with vibrations as it slithered into the city.

The street was alive. Teens laughed as they hovered pass her, and families smiled with the falling sun. Those blue eyes of theirs were angelic and ignited their beautiful faces with a life she was not sure she had seen in any other city.

Embrace the happy tech. One of the blinking boards reads, and Dr. Jakin's face smiled at her from the boards. The board was weeping as what was left of the evening rain trailed from the man's cheeks and fell off to the cobber stone floor.