"There, lower the plane there," Alex said, pointing to the empty space with his clutches. 

"Are you certain?" Anabel asked, with confusion lining the edge of her eyes. She looked older than the first time Alex had seen her. Too many worries. If only she could stop bothering her brains about Jeff's wellbeing perhaps the crinkle on the side of her eyes would not have appeared.

"Yes, I am sure," Alex said, looking away from the older woman to the window.

The vast land was covered with green and blue. For the trees and the plants, there was no sign of life anywhere. That was the reason why the woman had asked the question. Alex didn't blame her. With all the trouble they had faced, he would have been worried if the woman was not showing concern at the least. But if she wasn't too preoccupied with worries, she would have been able to see the glamour hiding the place from the eyes of invaders.