"How is it, any better?" Kira asked, checking the side to make sure the clip was in place. She smelled of olive, mixed in butter and it gave his stomach a comforting tug. It was unique to her alone, as the rest of the people he had seen choose not to wear any perfume.

"Yeah, I think so," Ham breathed under his teeth and rolled his eyes when the girl held the girdle behind his waist and pulled them.

"I hope you can blend well with the people, try to avoid questions as much as you can." 

"Ha-ha, I really wish it were so easy. Your people ask a lot of questions."

"Just try to avoid them. I will make sure I want them off as much as I can. You must avoid eye contact too. And don't point at anything or anyone. The people of Miens find that as a threat and challenge."

"Oh," Ham chuckled at his reflection with both amusement and awe.