The woman's words made Ham leaned back on his chair, letting the deep thoughts settle over his shoulders. If they attack the palace tonight and captured the machine. What will happen after that?

"What about Nebula?" Matt asked.

"We are not going to destroy it," Kira said. 

She picked up the brown bag and undid the lace. Dipping her hands into them, she started removing the content. It was basically weapons, far different from those used in Anadan. Every weapon looked like a long stick, but having a trigger at the base.

"We are going to disrupt the market, or anywhere the food metals are sold. That's the plan."

"Wait, you mean you are going to follow us to Anadan?" Ham's stomach jutted with happiness and it spread to every side of his stomach when Kira nodded. This is not going to be bad after all.

"We can't over throne Vudga. Not like this. Not until we have the one whom the prophesy foretold." Clare said.