At first, the description seemed no to make any sense. None of it did. Most of the people she had asked, seemed not to know the way about of the three. It was as if they never existed. Their names were not even on the internet. She had searched for them for days. It was not until she had gone to the Heroes academy, did she learned that they had graduated? Matt was a Keeper, but the portfolio of Ham and Pinna seemed to be missing. Ema had traced Matt's history, hoping to find him first and the others later. How fortunate she was to meet all three in this dark room.

"Where is the light?" Ema lowered the hood. She was beginning to feel like a ghost herself. The hood had been on her for the past three days since she left the Mine.

"Happy to see you too," Pinna said.

"Old habit die hard, I guess." Ema chuckled.