Before now, Kira usually though the congregation of the Miens was the largest thing in the universe. But she was wrong. Humans were numerous as the sand on the face of a beach. They are too numerous to count. She had not seen anything like this before. Not while the Miens back in Saturn lived only on wars and starvation. 

"This way," Jima said as they bustled their way through the mass of people. 

The chorus of happy screams still hovered in the air. The sun was beginning to hide on the other side of the world, but it was as if the Fenda Kingdom was just about to come to life. People ran in different directions, shouting and making merry, with leaves, clothes and some other stuff. Most of the people were on a mask, which was a blessing to Kira, because, this bird mask she wore hide her pinkish skin perfectly. It would have been difficult to try to blend with the dark shawl Jima had given her. The mask was just perfect.

"Where are we going?" Kira asked.