The Tournament [Naomi]

I stretched my arms to the point of near hyper-extension. Luckily for me, I didn't have an particularly annoying roommates, mainly because it was just me and Akumura. "Well, look who decided to finally get up," Akumura was standing at the door, "We've gotta go to our homeroom for some reason at 1. I'd suggest hurrying." I looked around, "Why?"

"Because it's 12:15." He the proceeded to walk out the door. "Well fuck you too." He opened the door again, "Sorry, what was that?"

"You know what I said." He shook his head, "Whatever. Bill and Scorpio are meeting us in the lobby, so again, I'd suggest hurrying it up."

"Alright, I get it, I'm awake." He slammed the door this time. When the footsteps were gone, I got out of my bed. Being Vampires, Akumura and I don't really need to sleep, but I just like to. I'm not entirely sure why Akumura does, I've tried asking and he just grunts and walks away. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed a white sweatshirt. "Should I? Why the hell not?" I put the shirt on over my tank top, grabbed a pair of shoes, and walked out the door.

When I got to the lobby Bill and Akumura were talking, while Scorpio was sitting on her laptop. I sat down next to her, "What's up?" I looked at her screen. It was an article on her father's funeral. I'd honestly forgotten what it feels like to lose someone. I lived in the "shady" area of Eaststeel, so I've seen people dying all my life. I guess Scorpio hasn't really felt that since she was little. "Just looking at some stuff. What took you so long?" I scratched the back of my head, "I kinda, overslept." Scorpio pointed to the bags under her eyes, "I wish I had that problem. Bill and Jamie choose the worst times to decide to converse."

"Ooh, what were they talking about?" I leaned closer to her. "I don't entirely remember. Something about their biological father's though."

"Well, it's better than whoever is next to Akumura and I. Half the time I can't even sleep because they're blasting some EDM music." We both laughed a little. Bill and Akumura walked over to us. "We probably should get going, it's already 12:47." Scorpio slammed her laptop lid, "OH SHIT IT IS?!" She shoved the device in her bag, and took off. "Wai-" Bill put his hand out for a second, then stepped back, "Eh, I don't really feel like chasing her." He started walking. I looked over at Akumura, who was sitting on the couch. "Aren't we gonna go? You're the one who woke me up to tell me we've gotta go." He wiggled his phone, "I've gotta do something. You go on ahead, I'll catch up with you."

"Fine. I can't guarantee you'll run into me until we get there though." He gave me a thumbs up then kept tapping at his screen.

A hand touched my shoulder. I turned around. Jamie was standing there. "Hey."

"What's up?" She shrugged, "I think you know." I sighed, "Yeah. I wonder what it's about. I'm kinda hoping for a field trip or something, but it's doubtful this early in the year. It's gotta be big." Jamie just nodded. "Is something bothering you?" She lowered her head, "I'd, rather not talk about it." As if they were waiting, Bill and Scorpio walked toward us from one of the allies. "I'm telling you, I remember it being over there!"

"Well, clearly, it wasn't. God! Now we're gonna be late." Bill walked over to us, "The building has always been go straight for 40 meters, turn right, then keep going 25, right?" I shrugged, "Can you put that in standard? I'm not really one for metric." He sighed, "Forget it." Jamie looked at Scorpio, who was clearly aggravated. They were mouthing something to each other. I could only make out, "no, it's not a good time." I leaned over to Jamie. "Not a good time for what?" I whispered. Scorpio glared at me. "I'll, uh, tell you later." Bill looked at us, the looked away.

Somehow, we managed to get to the classroom without Scorpio murdering Bill, which was nice. Mrs. Harley stood in the front of the room with some papers in her hand. "So," She glared at Akumura, who was on his phone, "before we begin, this is very important. Chasan has told me he wants absolutely no distractions present while I'm conveying this information. Mr. Orihara." Akumura looked up, "Huh?"

"Put the phone away." He sighed and shoved his phone in his pocket. For some reason, he was a lot more, moody, than usual. "So, recently the school allowed a group of students to leave the grounds for a mission of sorts. Chasan has asked for me to keep who they are disclosed unless it becomes important to the survival of you. Since two of them were severely injured, the staff have decided to hold a tournament to make sure you are adept at fighting. We do not wish for you to get into fights, but for people with your paranormal gifts, it is inevitable. This tournament will be held in exactly two months. In that time, there will be a series of events to determine your skills, and anyone who fails to preform to our standards will be expelled." There was murmuring. "Expelled?" I'm pretty sure the word sent Brit into a full blown anxiety attack. Her ears were pointed straight up, and her pupils took up almost her entire eye. Bill smiled and looked at Akumura, who was back on his phone. What was he doing that was so important? Jamie looked worried. I could tell why. When I fought her, she wasn't the strongest. Granted, I have a higher tolerance to pain than most people, but her hits did about as much damage as a fly trying to take down a building. Scorpio looked indifferent. I knew she was strong. I could tell while we were fighting Alucard. She somehow managed to get back up after getting absolutely demolished by him. "I know it sounds harsh, but these recent events have show us that we need to ensure we have the best of the best," She flipped the paper she was holding, "The tournament will be point based. The provided example says that if a student is not proficient in hand to hand, they could make up for it with proficient scores in intelligence or magic," Brit's ears returned to normal when she said intelligence or magic, "Are there any questions?" A student's hand shot up, "What's in it for us? I mean, yeah, this school is great, but what's the incentive to win the tournament?"

"Great question," she flipped through the papers she had then cleared her throat, "Incentive for students will be a prize of $10,000, as well as a 'deluxe dorm', which is a 6 person dorm with three rooms instead of the standard 2 room." I looked around. 6 person dorm? I mean, there's already a guaranteed 5, Bill, Scorpio, Jamie, Akumura, and myself, but who would a 6th be? I shrugged at the thought. "That is all, you may now continue your day as normal."

Akumura threw himself on his bed. "$10,000? Does the school even have that much to throw at a single student?"

"Apparently. With a place this size, you'd think it would go to taxes or something. It's practically it's own town." Akumura chuckled a little, "Yeah, I guess you could call it that." He sat back up, "So, if you win, what are you going to do with the money?" I shrugged, "Not really sure. I've been focused on that dorm. 6 people. We could regularly converse with the others without having to worry about curfew. Not to mention an extra room for whatever we want."

"Within the law."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Speaking of things that are legally questionable, when was the last time you drank?"

"Blood or alcohol?"

"Blood. I know you haven't had any alcohol since we came here."

"Around a week or so, why?"

"You're looking a little, withered. We probably should talk to Chasan about feeding tonight." He shrugged, "I mean, yeah, I am a little hungry. But I don't need to. I've got about another week before I'd be in critical condition." I looked at him. "Fine, we'll go tonight. I know an area with bodies we don't have to kill."

"Are you really implying we take advantage of suicide victims?"

"No! God, I'm fucked up, but not that much. There's an area where police don't ever patrol, as a result, there's a lot of crime there, mugging, robbery, murder. And a good majority of the bodies there were murderers before, so it's not like we're doing them dirty by using them for sustenance."

"So it's a date."

"Don't call it that."