Alive [Jamie]

I woke up to a blinding light. "Ah," there was a figure standing in front of me, "You're awake." I stood up. I didn't recognize the figure. It had long, blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes. "Do you recognize me?" He was wearing a white suit, with a dark blue tie. "I know, the outfit might throw you off, but you know who I am." A pair of wings flew out from behind him. "Now, do you?" Lucifer stood in front of me. "Do you recognize this place?" I shook my head. "Shame," He walked around, "This is what I called home before I was imprisoned." I looked around. There were white pillars that went into the sky, seemingly holding them up. The ground was a mural that I couldn't quite put together what it was. "This is a separate realm from where you are. Similar to Hell. The Angels lived here until, I decided they didn't deserve such luxury. The atrocities I witnessed. We destroyed worlds simply because the Demons might gain a hold on them." He paced, "And now, I find that there are more. Scattered throughout the Universe. I can't let our people repeat their mistakes." He cracked a smile, not a friendly one, but one with malicious intent, "So, I'm offering you a choice. Far sooner than the others have had. Join me, or be destroyed." I stepped back.

"Are you insane?!" I felt something rise inside of me, "You really expect me to simply bow down to you?! After you threatened to kill my best friend, my brother?! After you just told me you killed billions of your own kind?!"

"Well then," he sighed, "I guess I've got no choice. Since you are my daughter, I'll give you a choice." He pulled out a blade and held it to my throat, "I'll give you until," he paused, and thought for a second, "What do you call it? A month? I think so, I'll give you seven of those. When that time comes, you'll have made your decision, and if you haven't, you'll have chosen to die." He moved the sword away, and turned his back to me. "It's good to be back, you know. The Universe had changed so much! Last time I looked, your star was just a bunch of gas floating through space, and now look! You've created a society that could rival even the Angels'!" He flung his arms open, as if accepting a hug from the Universe itself, "But," his voice became somber, "You also have become entitled." I ran after him, but passed right through his body. "Not so fast, you can't touch me. This is just a dream, remember?" He pressed his thumb on my forehead, and I shot awake.

My breathing was heavy. I looked around to see Naomi and Pisces on the floor. "Wow, another one wakes up, huh?" Pisces stood up, "This is actually good timing. I've been meaning to-"

"Not right now," I didn't want to cut her off, but I didn't really have a choice, "I need to talk to Chasan." I got up, and put on a jacket and shoes, and walked out the door.

The flight to his office was, slower. Lucifer's face flashed in my mind. Each time, his words echoed in my mind. "You'll have made your decision," I shook my head, and tried to focus on getting to Chasan, "And if you haven't, you'll have chosen to die." I landed, and opened the doors to the staff offices. "Ah, Miss Charleston," Chasan was standing in front of the desk, "I was expecting you."

We sat at Chasan's desk. "Well," I sighed, "I'm guessing you got some kind of message from him." Chasan nodded, "Yes. I'm assuming you aren't going to simply bend to his rule as well?" I nodded, "I have a question about him. Last night, Brit mentioned that Dracula and Alucard have special abilities since they are the first Vampires, and she mentioned something about Lucifer having that as well. Do you have any idea what his abilities might be?" Chasan shook his head, "I'm afraid not. I was just a messenger. I only saw him in battle once, and the most he displayed was a vast knowledge of battle strategy." I sighed, "Well, it was worth a shot. What are we going to do? We can't just-" Bill burst in the room. "LUCIFER'S ALIVE!" He was out of breath.

"Yes, thanks for bearing the news. Did you also know that the unsinkable Titanic just sunk?" He glared at me, "Say what you want, but I wasn't sure if you were up. All Pisces said was 'She may or may not be.'"

"Well," Chasan set his hands on his desk, "I suppose, if you think it is necessary, Mr. Walker, we can allow Satan to leave Hell." Bill grinned, "Alright! So, when are we-"

"In seven months," I walked next to him, "That's when Lucifer is attacking." He slumped his shoulders, "Fine. Have we figured anything out for dealing with Dracula? While we're here." I looked at him, "I thought you had a plan." He crossed his arms, "Yeah, but right now I can only use it on nonorganic things. Found that out when Akumura wanted me to try it on him." Chasan rubbed his eyes, "As of now, our only plan is to defend the students with our lives. You two must be tired, head back to your dorm," Bill walked out, "And Miss Charleston, we will discuss Lucifer further tomorrow." I nodded, "Understood."