A life holding back for the sake of the family (part 2)

The wife threatened divorce if he couldn't bring his son closer to the family, others thought he was powerful, but the real power was with the wife's family much richer and more powerful, with much more influence than he did.

What the wife asked wasn't horrible or bad either, just to bring their son closer. Jin Cong-min's mother accepted her son as he was, but Jin Cong-min's grandfathers and father did not accept him being gay, in case the mother wants to force her husband's acceptance so that the son at least returns for a good while home.

However, there was no way that Jin Young-chul could accept his son married to a man, taking the family name through the mud and them being mocked by society. Yes, his mind had stopped in 1990, and he didn't realize the great opportunities in the foreign market, having a son married to another man and being so prominent as a businessman. (yes, this would be pink money, but it would be a way of trying to accept his son).

Fortunately, the new head of the family is Jin Cong-min's big brother and not the old father, so he worked so hard and well for the company, he was responsible for many external projects, and he traveled a lot around the world, which made it easier to have a "gay" life outside the eyes of the family.

Jin Cong-min sneered at his father, as he knew well that his father cared more about his image and the company than his children, for him his children were just the icing on the cake of his success.

"Father, don't waste your words on me. We came to an agreement a long time ago, I will remain single until your death and I will try not to disgrace your family name."

"Are you cursing me? Hypocritical brat, my family name is what gave you everything you have today!"

"Yes, yes, but I didn't ask to be born, and I didn't ask for any of that, it's not like I wasted money, right? I work hard at the company and lead a successful team in the project area, we are considered one of the best teams in the country, even abroad they are waiting for us to carry out billionaire projects. Was this conquered by you too? Why not take my merit of establishing a successful company in the US as well, since it's all thanks to the almighty Jin Young-chul!"

"Jin Cong-min!" Jin Young-chul said, angrily slamming the table, scaring the waiters who brought out the food carts.

Jin Cong-min laughed mockingly and stood up before the heavy and awkward silence that settled in the environment.

"Where are you going?" the father spoke, trying to moderate his voice to something more appealing with the waiters as witnesses, he didn't dare to show his true fierce side of him.

"Won't we get sick to our stomachs if we eat together? I'd better go and let my beloved father eat in peace" Jin Cong-min said with such a gentle and warm tone, that the discussion a few seconds ago seemed like a lie.

"Jin Cong-min!" the father mellowed much less restraint and picked up one of the tea bowls, soon tossing it in the direction of his bastard son.

It wasn't that he wanted to hit his second son, he just wanted to startle him and make him stumble, he didn't realize that his son didn't have such good reflexes and ended up getting hit in the back of the head the hollow sound would forever echo in the memory of this one irrational father.

The irony is that Jin Cong-min had an aneurysm that at any moment could rupture and kill him, the poor man who had put off going to the doctor so many times to complete a successful project to set up a new branch in China, went through much nausea, headaches and few times he found himself in a feverish state for no apparent reason, but he thought that these were signs of his physical exhaustion and not something more serious.

The pain of tearing his head apart seemed like lightning that fell on him, it was fast, and his body fell to the ground, scaring everyone around, blood flowed from the wound in the back of his head.

He took a few breaths and looked at his father who seemed shocked to the core, he wanted to say something, but his conscience slipped away, and there on that stone bridge, he died.