Sacred Bonding!

1st Awakening - nothing but to get their own ring (system)

2nd bonding - become one with the ring

types of bonding - natural bonding, forced bonding, legendary bonding (unknown)

natural bonding - allows the host to bond with the ring naturally after being in contact with the ring for few months (1-6 months) if the host fails to bond with the ring he/she cant activate the ring forever.

forced bonding - naturally to force the bonding generally seen in people who can't bond naturally, certain guilds and clans take a certain price for forced bonding

Sacred bonding - often heard in legends, when a pair of sacred rings descend and by luck meet each other they try to merge together by merging together they can raise their level leaving the hosts bonding them if the hosts resist then the rings cant merges leaving a failure. just like give and take.

Rings grades and stats

Rings - acts as storage + key to enter a naturally formed game like dimension (for now treat it as dungeon or .....)

Low Grade-red, yellow, orange

Red - all stats +5

yellow - all stats +6

orange- all stats +7

for every level

stats can be earned depends on your hard work

Middle Grade-blue,green,silver

Blue - +10 stats

Green - +12 stats

Silver - +15stats

High Grade-Gold,Platinum

Gold- +20 stats

Platinum- +25 stats

Sacred Grade - pure jade like platinum with symbol +50 stats

Mortal Body

mortal body contains 9 levels

lvl 1 - all stats +100

lvl 2 -all stats + 200

lvl 3 - all stats + 400

lvl 4 - all stats +800

lvl 5 - all stats +1600

lvl 6 - all stats + 3200

lvl 7 - all stats + 6400

lvl 8 - all stats +12800

lvl - 9 - all stats +25600

quite ruthless aren't I? don't worry do some special missions and earn some spirit stones.

it may be confusing please try to understand the real world and dimensional ring world are totally different entering the ring is like entering the game , register your dimensional character and start from zero , just like game but the only difference is you can store cultivation resources in the ring take back to the real world and cultivate and death in dimensional ring means no access to the ring for 7 days u cant take things from real world to dimension .

back to the present

their rings flew up and trying to merge, Ye Clan head silently appeared beside Ye Ruoxie and Raven and quietly whispered both of them not to resist and let them merge. minutes passed both the rings started rotating together, everyone clearly saw Raven's ring it is the same as Ye Ruoxie's but pure black surrounded by green light while Ye Ruoxie's pure white surround by red light, both of them combined formed a perfect yin-yang Koi fish.

few hours passed both the rings separated and went back to their hosts.

suddenly Ye Clan head warned everyone this matter should not be leaked whoever spread or gossip about this get ready to leave their lives behind.

Raven and Ye Ruoxie both separated from their trance.

both of them simultaneously heard something in their head's



system restarting and merging with the host!!!

1%2%3%4%5...23%...27%....39%40%...50%...60%.....77%...82%...98%99%.....100% Ding!

until now their heads ring with a buzzing sound and they didn't get the chance to understand anything. especially he didn't get to inspect his body's condition.

both of them sat down to inspect their own things. Ye Ruoxie started inspecting her ring while Raven inspecting his body.