World Spirit!

both of them heard the words welcome to the world ''Destined Legacy'' land of the ''beginning''.

both of them simultaneously looked up in unison, just when they looked up, as if the world came to life, wind's blew like a hurricane, as if they struck in the middle of a gale, Mountains shook ,trees rustle , dust flew sky trembled , this is a site to be behold , well nature is trembling with joy as if the world united , all the life in the world joined together to form a small tiny shaped spirit . this took some time, even it took a little life force from Ruoxie and Qingya and entered the frenzy which helped to form a spirit.

thus formed the ''Spirit of the World''

NAME: Spark, the spirit of the world ''Destined Legacy''

combination of life from mountains, trees, rivers, ponds, lands, Immortal Raven's life force, Ye Ruoxie life force, Divine Sacred beasts life force, the world's life force,..... thus born the spirit of the world '' Spark''.

World Spirit uses : well spark is formed from the world so he can help with the growth of the world , ,Guardian of the world, with him both Ruooxie and Qingya can develop the land without doing minor labor, just with a command they can let spark do their work and with just a single thought from him

the mountains will turn upside down and......

World Spirit is just like Artifact Spirit. the only difference is world spirit is more powerful and when the world is completely formed it can turn into the Heavenly Law's of the world and create its own Power.

Spark introduced himself and explained his usefulness since the world is formed by the holders of Yin-Yang phoenix-dragon ring he is loyal to them.


System Message: since the world is formed hosts are able to earn World Points.

World Points are used to buy items from Divine Shop.

for creating the world hosts are rewarded with 5 World point's each.

world points will be shared equally with the hosts, if one of the hosts contributed the most and rewarded with 10 world points, these 10 world points will be divided equally as 5 World Points each. so hosts please work hard together. if both the hosts are together without infighting and secrets or... I recommend hosts to combine both the World Points, by doing it you will have more advantages in the future, the host's level is too low to explain.

Ruoxie looked at Qingya and asked are you ok with combining World Points together, he shrugged his shoulder and said anything is Fine. it's not like I'm interested in this stuff. he thought to himself. he was an immortal so he had his arrogance, later he will find how ignorant he was for underestimating the work of supreme God.

after that they combined their World Points when they are done Spark let out a sly look, Qingya noticed it but feigned ignorance.

since the inspection of the Destined Legacy was done both of them disappeared and reappeared in their respective Courtyard's.

I didn't mention before but now Qingya is not immortal Raven but just another ordinary 16'years kid. he completely suppressed his Immortal self in fear of creating some minor troubles, just as a routine he paid his respects to clan head who is slightly above 700 years old next he paid his respect's to his adoptive parents who are just a little above 150-200 years of age.

after these formalities he told them he wants to explore outside for the 1st time and went outside before he left, they gave him some gold.

1st time he set foot outside the Ye Clan since coming to this world.

Ye Clan was located in the biggest city of sub-planet Zero called Mirth ( people or city I am not good at naming because of this I didn't introduce anyone from Ye clan with names like elders, cousins, rivals,... I know I am no good, huh Sigh)

he strolled in the streets leisurely like a young master of a clan, the city is full of activities you can find vehicles like car's, bus's...and also carriages like horse and spirit beast carriage's,..... where vehicles are cheap where spirit beast carriages are costly, vehicles are flashy but spirit beasts are intimidating and ten's of time's faster, basically a world of rich and poor but with freedom.

( i just dragged the modern world because it's useful at times like internet and stuff and also mainly for New Worlds Kingdom building I just can't use Farmville stuff for the entire world) .

when it's noon he chose a restaurant and went inside . he took a seat on the second floor at the corner near the window, he took the menu and scanned it but he didn't know any item's , he casually ordered few dishes , when the dishes came he took a bite and savored the flavor, hmm delicious they are far better than the ordinary dishes from his previous world, alright so it's the difference between world-tier's hmm I wonder how many surprises this world contains, look's like the future will be interesting.

he paid the bill and left.

he came outside the city gates and started roaming and stood outside the forest where spirit beasts live, he doesn't have any idea about what kind of forest it was but he can feel few people battling with spirit beasts.

he didn't enter the forest but started walking towards the stream. \

(Wow Stream yup the legendary stream where he will find woman bathing or where he pick up panties flowing the stream and will be got caught and labeled as pervert .... :D)