Chapter 4 : Powers On Uzumaki Blood...

As the days passed... Pedro and Serena kept talking about their destination... when they were bringing up Konoha they could see that Linley starts smiling and moving his hands....

What he could do as a baby?? it was the only way he could tell them I like the name let's go there....

Seeing that this continued for quite a few days, they took it as a sign that their peaceful life will begin from there and started packing up for their trip....

Linley was happy and couldn't hide it as a baby he was pleasing his parents...

Eventually when he turned 1 month old the left from the run-down house and started their journey..

They wanted to avoid any possible mishap on their way, therefore, they used their "Shadow Clone Jutsu" and made countless clones of themselves dispersing everywhere....

Linley knew that when a clone dies or being released the information about enemies will be transferred back to them....

The only con of this was that they gain the pain and fatigue of the clones as well....

Linley in his mind was checking something with his system about Bloodlines and the items of the store...

System you said I don't have the Uzumaki bloodline only a bit of better Physique correct?? : Linley


How is so?? since I have parents of the Uzumaki clan?? : Linley

[That's because Host's soul didn't have an affinity with any existing Bloodline. Furthermore, the dilution of you parents Bloodline is way too much...]

[For a better example Host knows that Kushina comes directly from the purebloods of the Uzumaki.. Let's say that Kushina has 100 drops of Uzumaki clan enabling her to use 100% of her Inheritance.]

[Your mother has about 10/100th of Kushina's Bloodline inheritance, and your father has 12/100th of Kushina's Bloodline inheritance.]

Wait, this means that I have about 11/100th of Kushina's inheritance..... : Linley

[Host is correct in the analogy and that's only enough to have a better body than average.. If Kushina has 100 Drops then Mito Uzumaki has 200 ones...]

Then if I treat Mito as 100%, power then Kushina is 50%, Naruto is 25%, my mom and dad along with me are about 5-6% : Linley

[Host is correct and there is also Karin and Nagato who also belong to Uzumaki clan being descendants after it's destruction and they are similarly 5-6% of power... But Karin went through a series of experiments and raised her in later stages to close to 50% and Nagato gained Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan elevating him close to 50% as well..]

Wait I remember Nagato overdrafting his Bloodline and his hair went from red to white... will this happen to us as well?? : Linley

[Correct. When you and your parents overuse your chakra your hair will change indicating that if you don't take a long-term rest you will die...]

What if I use the bloodline pill I got?? : Linley

[This pill allows you to double the blood you have.... for example for 10 drops to 20 that's for anyone else to use than you... if you were the one to use it since you will triple that...]

Ehh why : Linley

[Because Host has none affinity with Bloodlines meaning you can get any Bloodline you like, Sure you can use it to purify those little drops and gained more properties than simply a better body of the Uzumakis, but host can buy them from the System at its 100% power not to mention you can create ones...]

Xmmn somethings off... when you scanned me didn't you said... : Linley

Linley froze as he was about to ask about the scan in his soul.... The System had said none Bloodline, in other words, I'm someone who's not restricted to one and only bloodline.... that's why it said to me twice I can create my own.....