Chapter 10 : Reaching Konoha!!

Linley was flying the skies above from being lucky that they will manage to survive this ordeal as he knew their symbol on their clothes it was the Uchiha clan of Konoha!!!

You guys have entered the wrong waters.... : Uchiha Tao

Not only that by you guys attacked one of our allies..... : Uchiha Fuu

Che.... you dogs of the old era have no place in here leave... : ???

It hit their nerves and they activated their Sharingan, their eyes became red with a small black ring in it and 3 tomoes connecting them with the ring...

Say that again you water scum!!! : Uchiha Dan

Heh you at those puppy red eyes they always said you guys were one of the strongest clan what happened and got cooped up inside a small village!! : ???

Fire Element : Fire Phoenix Feather!!! : Dan

He didn't even made any seals he placed his hand in his mouth and small red ball flames flew towards the other shinobis... all of them smirked and made fast like seals...

Water Element : Water Wall!!! : ???

A huge wall of water was raised blocking all small fireballs as they clashed in the wall making tsss tss sounds as the fire was extinguished... but before the other shinobis could do something else, flying kunais and shurikens passed the water wall from inside hitting their whole bodies and killing them....

One Uchiha killed three of them with one jutsu.... Pedro who was having a hard time fighting all of them and only after a rageful moment he managed to kill a few, was shocked....

Are you guys ok??? : Fuu

You're from the Uzumaki clan?? right then what are you doing here?? : Tao

Guys I'm aftering those who escaped... : Dan

Go ahead and if possible capture a few alive.... : Fuu

Okay!!! : Dan

As Dan went to after the escaping Shinobis... Fuu and Tao turned to look at Pedro the woman on the ground and a small baby who had red strings in his hands infusing them in the woman....

They looked with the Sharingan and were shocked to see that those strings were trying to keep her alive by entering the cells...

I'm Uzumaki Pedro, the little guy is Uzumaki Linley and the one... : Pedro

He paused for a bit and they saw his sad face realizing that she must be his wife as she protected their child....

Is Uzumaki Serena... to be precise we have been exiled from the clan due to the low density of bloodline and other reasons..... : Pedro

Then after giving birth, you wanted to settle in Konoha...?? : Tao

Yes... but as we were coming here we got chased by people who wish to capture bloodline specimens... it went on for almost 4 hours.... until.... : Pedro

We came in..... : Fuu

As they were talking they heard steps after a few minutes and Pedro tensed up... when they turned to the source of them, they saw Dan with a bitter face....

Damn it they escaped!! : Dan

Really from you??? : Fuu

Shut it will you.... : Dan

Well then let's leave the formal introductions for a later date, now we need to go send the kid and Serena to the hospital, possible without severing those strings and let's bring Pedro to the Hokage!!

Each one of them made a Shadow Clone and all of the tried to take Serena in their hand only to be stopped by Pedro...

Wait... Earth Element : Stone Dome..!!! : Pedro

He used the last bit of chakra to create a bed dome that closed both the kid and his wife in it and raised it a bit so that all of them can catch one side of the dome and move on...

Along the way it was like they were carrying a bed funeral.... until they reached their destination the hospital... but when the dome returned to them earth revealing the baby and his wife they were shocked....