Chapter 20 : The Blood Within Tsunade!!

As they left the room of Hokage, Linley was dragging Tsunade around, he didn't have a clear goal in his mind he simply brought her for food, drinks, a bit of changing clothes which made Tsunade light up a bit.... and finally at the sweet shop his family had.....

Mom, Mom 2 specials!!!!! : Linley

Arara who does my little boy brought today?? : Serena

It's big sis!! Mom... : Linley

Hi there miss Serena : Tsunade

Oh!! Tsunade-chan... did you found a bit of time?? : Serena

Mmmnn : Tsunade

My kid likes so so much.... he misses sleeping with you..... : Serena

Mom!!! 2, please!!! : Linley

A light laughter could be heard from her as she left them alone, Tsunade had a bit of blush from all this but it was just that....

Linley was speaking to his system and asked if it could make an analogy for her BloodLine and sure enough, it had a ready one....

[The Senjus and Uzumakis are descendants in line with Asura Otsutsuki, if Uzumaki Mito and Hashirama Senju... have 200 Drops then he has 500...then Hagoromo Otsutsuki would be 1000 and Kaguya Otsutsuki would be 2000... Tsunade gained her BloodLine from one of her parents that had less than 100.... based on that she has about 30-50 Drops....]

Mmmmm, in reality, it may seem like she's 4-7 times weaker but the truth is she's more than 10 times... : Linley

What would happen if I gave her my last Pill?? : Linley

[I can't calculate precisely but it will double it... if it turns on as a rare case like Uzumaki Serena it will triple it....]

Xmm..... should I give it??? But first.... what the Hell BRAIN!!!! you thought your mom is Super op but compare to those in the past she's not so OP after all!!! : Linley

He roared in his mind and at the same time his mom came and brought the Extra Special order of her little son....

Have a nice appetite you little birds.... : Serena

Tsunade choked at her words and Linley had a puzzled face..... why birds??.... he didn't think much before he starts eating with his future wife... but Tsunade had a bit of red cheeks as she tried to eat without showing them....

Then if I make a new scale of powers... then Kaguya is 100%, Hagoromo and Hamura 50%, Indra and Asura 25%... Hashirama and Madara plus Mito would be 10%???...

Then my mom would be almost 15%?? but why do I think that Hashirama and Madara were stronger than 10%??

Wait does that mean I'm also 10% with 200 drops?? system what's going on!!!! : Linley

[Host needs to know that both of them had unlocked powers beyond them.... at first they were 10% but one learned Senjutsu and the other the Eternal... Elevating them at 20%.... at the same time they had Inherited part of the Souls of Indra and Asura making them as Individuals reach 30% with training....]

Oh!! then my mom can pass her limits... and that apply to me as well..... can I give someone the Manuals??? : Linley

[Host needs to buy the "Spiritual Mind Imprint Manual" so that any Jutsu you create, or Manual you gain from the Shop to be able to give it to others.....]

I see then my wives will be Op!!!!! : Linley

Xmm little bro what's going on and you have that happy face?? : Tsunade

Nothing big sis.... I just like being with you eating and passing our time!! : Linley

Even thought Linley said that to cover about what he was thinking, Tsunade was caught off guard and blush even more....