Chapter 31 : Sub Mission!!!

As Linley was thinking the same with Tsunade ... SAFE!!! ..... both for their own reasons, inside his mind the system alarmed him....

[Sub - Quest : Create An A-Rank Jutsu With Tsunade Help!!!! Time Limit 10 Days... Rewards : 50.000 Points - 1 x Random Skill Box - 1 x Mystery Box]

Eeeehh.... what's this??? : Linley

Tsunade noticed some changed in his eyes and paid more attention to him... she thought can it be he didn't believe me???

System what's up with this quest??? : Linley

[Host wanted to create a Jutsu at some point... and a quite environment.... Tsunade is your future wife target.... and see also saw your elements.... therefore the conditions were met to trigger a Quest...]

Sure.... right.... anyway what's the difference in skill box with mystery box?? : Linley

[Host can get a random skill with no limit on its rank..... it may be something simple as folding paper in cranes.... or a godlike massage skill.... who knows...]

-_- :O :P I see.... : Linley

Linley are you alright?? your big sis is here..... : Tsunade

Oh... oh.... I just got an idea for a Jutsu when I saw the paper ripping apart.... it's just I don't know if I can do it alone.... so, i ... was hoping for big sis to help..... pretty Big Sis, please!!! : Linley

Tsunade was interested in what he wanted to do therefore she answered with a smile... not only that she also scold him that for these things he naturally needs to call for her.....

Tsunade then took him and went behind the faces of the Hokages in a forest where none could see them.... it took them 3 freaking hours to go there.....

Of course, Linley was the cause he wanted to dote his future wife by getting her a few clothes and something to eat...

Tsunade didn't know if she should laugh or cry... with what this kid was doing in order to please her...

After a bit of withholding on their way, they finally reached there and started talking about what kind of skill Linley wanted to create....

He instantly thought of Rasengan and told her about it with a few changed details.... after she pondered for a bit, she created a shadow clone and told the clone to go and buy a few things.....

They spend the time with simple sparring, till the clone came back after 2 hours... Tsunade 2 brought a few bags with balls in it.....

The first bag Contained water balls... the second rubber balls and the last one leather balls.... Linley was shocked when he saw the balls and he imagined it will be the same training of Rasengan...

Big sis what are these for?? : Linley

They are for your training.... the water ball is here for you to learn and rotate the five affinities within the ball..... then after you can easily pop the water ball you can try and do the same for the leather ball and the last step are the rubber ball... : Tsunade

I see..... then how I can I use them?? : Linley

You take on water ball and charge it with your chakra... after you infuse all your elements and balance them.... try to rotate them..... : Tsunade

She did as she told him and infused Yin, Earth and Water elements in the ball and tried to rotate them.... then the water ball burst...

She then took the leather ball..... and tried to do the same with nill result.... Linley saw this and was shocked....

He finally realized that it was different from the usual training of Rasengan....

I think I got this.... big sis I'll start now!!!! : Linley

He took 1 water ball and tried to charge it with 2 elements... and BooM!!!!! it exploded in his face!!!!!