Chapter 34 : Elemental Element - Spiral Wave Cannon

After laughing their hearts out.... Tsunade used a very simple earth element that she knew even before the power up and covered the hole in the forehead of the 3rd...

Linley started yelling at her in order to leave it as it is now.... but Tsunade ignored him....

After a few minutes, they returned back and started speaking.....

Since you managed to create your Jutsu... by my evaluation it would be Superior S class... as none have all elements... no wait the 3rd has them.... but oh well.. : Tsunade

What you have to do now... is familiarise yourself with it and at the same time find a way to control its range.... otherwise if in a mission your allies are in front of you..... you will kill them... : Tsunade

Yes!!! Bid sis!!! : Linley

At the same time, Linley got a new message from his system.....

[Sub - Quest : Create An A-Rank Jutsu With Tsunade Help!!!! Time Limit 10 Days... (Completed SSS) Rewards : 150.000 Points - 2 x Random Skill Box - 2 x Mystery Box]

[Host has created a self-made Jutsu.... Please name the Jutsu!!!]

Xmmm since it was made form Kamehameha reference, from five elements and the spiral ball.... I'll name it... Elemental Element - Spiral Wave Cannon!!! : Linley

[Finallizing the Name y/n??]

Yes!! : Linley

[New Jutsu was created..... Elemental Element - Spiral Wave Cannon : Stage 1 (Max 5) - Charging Type : 5-20 Sec. (more time more power and distance... each second adds 50 meters... every 25% it reached its next stage and it will lower 1-4 sec.... making it in the long run 1-4 second per casting)]

[A new category was added in your status tab.... "Self Made Jutsus"]

Wow so generous in the rewards... what happened system?? : Linley

[You finished the quest with half the time limit and went a step further to create a superior S class, therefore, you were evaluated accordingly...]

I see that was very but very generous.... : Linley

Tsunade was seeing Linley in a daze and couldn't help but shake him out of it by punching in his head....

Wake up!!!!! : Tsunade

Ugh!!! Big sis that hurt!!! : Linley

What happened and you entered in a daze???? I was talking to you..... : Tsunade

Oh!! sorry... I was thinking of ways to make it a short distance but the most I could think it would go was around 250m..... : Linley

Plus I thought of a name.... : Linley

What kind of name?? : Tsunade

Elemental Element - Spiral Wave Cannon... isn't cool?? : Linley

Xmmm it's true that with the way it flies forward it does resemble a spiral cannon..... but that Elemental isn't wrong as well... as it was created by 5 of them.... : Tsunade

Mmmnn sure if you like it then name it as such.... : Tsunade

Yeah yeah yeah.... I love you, big sis!!! : Linley

Linley went running and fall in her mid developed boobs of hers and both of them fall down as Linley was rubbing his face in her chest.....

Tsunade was stunned and soon blushed by all this... and then she hit him in his head again.....

Ugh!!! : Linley

You stinky brat.... get off!! : Tsunade

As Tsunade was yelling at him while he was faking his tears falling from his face.... he was speaking in his mind with the System as he wanted to open all Boxes he had.....

Let me see what surprises they will bring to me... : Linley