Chapter 40 : Leaving It As It Is

Eeehhhh..... I'm weak is that it?? : Pedro

Whistle whistle... Linley started looking around when his dad spoke.... and because of that when he turned his head the pain hit him like a nail.....

Ugggggrrrr.... : Linley

Mito was the most treasured genius over 15 years ago when she was smitten with Hashirama... her attainments are quite marvellous..... : Serena

Yeah... even though she stays and keep in check what Hashirama left her... what she had created in her prime instead of sitting in a high-class bed all day.... was simply godlike... : Pedro

Linley what else did you talked with her?? how is she?? : Serena

Hmmnn i only saw a part of her soul being sealed in the scroll so I don't know, but based on that I concluded she had 200 drops.... the difference with us is... : Linley

We don't have the teaching of our clan and jutsus... : Pedro

Linley was one of the means you said, able to raise someone BloodLine at the cost of their own?? : Serena

Mmnnn : Linley

Sigh.... enough.... we can slowly find out at a later time.... what did you do with Mikoto-chan?? : Serena

I've put her to sleep..... : Linley

Go and take her then we will wake him up.... : Serena

Linley Nodded and went slowly as he was still in pain and possible it wouldn't pass anytime soon.... after a few minutes he came back with her in his arms and a blue face from the pain....

Serena and Pedro were also in pain seeing him like this and removed the chains from the leader of Uchiha Orion.... seconds later he started waking up....

Ugghhhh..... where am I??? : Orion

My eyes feel so heavy.... Serena-san what happened?? : Orion

We don't know as we were talking your eyes started bleeding and you passed out in pain.... : Serena

Orion frowned he tried to see in his memories and saw what happened, as they were talking his vision became red and blood started to get out from his eyes....

At that moment he had totally lost control over his Sharingan and self-damaged his eyes..... Linley was shocked in his mind what the hell?? but his System answered his doubts...

[A few of the chains touched him for a split second and altered his memories..]

:O this was the face Linley had in mind..... it seems like I need to study those chains...

[Host can't use them.... they were triggered with your pure anger and cause your body what you felt and feeling.... you need at least 1 flower so that you can control them... Furthermore in order to create pure chakra chains you need to buy the manual or take it from Mito Uzumaki....]

That's difficult.... So how much do I need for my first to appear?? : Linley

[5 more are needed as you already possess 4...]

Orion then got the full picture of what happened from them.... he had come here to discuss about Linley and Mikoto and as they reached a conclusion of leaving it in the future.... he lost control.....

I'm really sorry about any trouble I've caused..... : Orion

It's fine you should go and rest.... : Serena

Yes I will : Orion

Leaving things at that Orion left with a crying Mikoto in his hands... his plan was to threaten him but after this, he thought that perhaps he was under a powerful Genjutsu.... therefore he rushed back so that he can find what really happened.....