Chapter 52 : Finally Graduating!!!

When everyone heard her say it was Senjutsu they froze.... what the fuck!!!!

Tsunade felt a feeling of being proud she will have a powerful boyfriend..... but then she thought that she will also have many love rivals.... before blushing and trying to hide her face from sight....

Hiruzen dropped his pipe on the ground as he had his jaws wide open..... and Pedro with Serena was in high heavens... their son is a genius!!!!!

Mito, on the other hand, had a headache... she knew what she heard so far was true from their emotions, but now she faced a problem.... since he had lost his bloodlines as a baby how did the Senjutsu activate in his sleep??

Even more so the scroll he said he found didn't exist.... as she had never created one.... then how did he increase his 4 Bloodline each at least 3 times higher than her own from nothing.....

Did his Senjutsu that was activating on its own purified his own dead cells, then in order to hide this he told them he found a scroll under my name??

Racking your brain like that won't help as both of us know that many bloodlines have inherited delayed Jutsus..... like the Sharingan it had 3 abilities for each tomoe.... then one eye gains ability when it evolves in Mangekyo... and when both eyes are used a Sussano could be brought out.... : Kyuubi

Sigh..... you're right..... come to think of it this kid, didn't know my name neither I told him in the library... : Mito

Therefore he felt threaten and was ready to kill you... when you revealed you felt 4 of them... : Kyuubi

Not mention there are countless BloodLines buried from the war of clans that didn't awaken at all... : Kyuubi

After finishing talking to each other in her mind she turned towards everyone who waited for her to explain.....

Then it makes sense, as the scroll I had created was based on Hashirama Abilities to heal himself or others with Senjutsu... : Mito

Since his body was highly attuned to natural energy absorption... when he touched the scroll it activated and helped him reactivate his BloodLine making it even more powerful than mine..... : Mito

But i've gotten old and it was something i created as a hobby i didn't know how someone could activated it and honestly speaking i don't remember what was written in it... : Mito

Hmm you have created countless assets that helped us in the war back then.... : Hiruzen

There is bound for a few to be forgotten.... and be discovered by the young Genins... : Hiruzen

Hmm?? Genin?? : Linley

Oh... yeah I forgot.... as I saw you practising A-Rank Jutsus you're more than qualifies to be Chunnin... but because you were in the academy... i only send a word for your Graduation... : Mito

Oh..!!!! hurray hurray!!!! I'm a Genin!!!!! : Linley

Here is you Licence plate and the head protector..... : Hiruzen

Congratulations Linley!!! : Tsunade

His parents had tears in their eyes as they were seeing him jump up and down... then they thought something and before they could say anything.....

Agggrr Aouuuu!!!! : Linley

He fell on the ground from the crushing pain that came to him again....

Giggle pfftt..... As a Gift here take these 10 small scrolls..... and practice hard..... : Mito

Mito threw a huge scroll on the size of two palms connected together and when Linely caught it he was inwardly shocked by the countless pop-ups he was getting...

[Scroll Of Wind Jutsus Series Learn Y/N??]

[Scroll Of Water Jutsus Series Learn Y/N??]

[Scroll Of Fire Jutsus Series Learn Y/N??]

[Scroll Of Earth Jutsus Series Learn Y/N??]

[Scroll Of Lightning Jutsus Series Learn Y/N??]

[Scroll Of Yin Jutsus Series Learn Y/N??]

[Scroll Of Yang Jutsus Series Learn Y/N??]

[Scroll Of Wood Jutsus Series Learn Y/N??]

[Scroll Of Uzumaki FuinJutsus Series Learn Y/N??]

[Scroll Of Forbidden S-Rank Jutsus Series Learn Y/N??]





Authors Note!!!!!

New story ??????? (6 DAYS) One Piece i have already decided on this.....

New story ??????? (9 DAYS) Hunter x Hunter - DxD - The Slayers - Inuyasha - Strike The Blood

New story ??????? (14 DAYS) Boku No Hero Academia - Dragon Ball Z - D Gray Man - Tales Of Demon And Gods - Against The Gods

Guys..... if the poll turns out to be DxD or Strike The Blood i will have to give you a heads up that it will be way worse that Fairy Tail in terms of sex scenes...