Chapter 69 : Setting His Authority...

What happened in the strict warning i gave you Old man... : ???

Ugh... Linley, you are back... : Hokage

Yes and i learned something which made me really, really unpleasant... : Linley

Now, now Linley aren't you gonna introduce to the two girls who wide behind each other?? : Serena

Serena broke the ice by placing everyone attention to Natsuhi who was behind Linley and little Kushina who was behind Natsuhi...

The 3rd Hokage along with Tsunade, Mito, Pedro, Serena, Izumi and Irina was looking at the two which made Natsuhi a bit embarrassed and Kushina looks at them with a confused face...

Mom, you became even more beautiful... Dad on the other hand... Let's move on... : Linley

Wha... : Pedro

However, my two little sisters have become small flowers... : Linley

Big bro... : Izumi

Linley-Onichan... : Irina

Good, you're not hurt... : Linley

It was because of two people helping us... : Izumi

I see, then you will have to thank them later... : Linley

Both of them nodded at him and then Linley turned to see Mito who surprising enough started to look like old...

I see you are fine as well Mito-bachan... : Linley

Aahahaha, did you like your days in the Uzumaki Clan?? : Mito

Don't pull another stunt like that i didn't like it... : Linley

Tsunade... Now that i made you wait for so long i officially ask you to become my girlfriend... : Linley

Pfffttt... Aahahaha you can say that with her behind you...??? : Tsunade

Tsunade pointed at a red burning Natsuhi as she kept looking at his parents and her with burning eyes while she trembled in her nervousness...

Greetings there, I'm Senju Tsunade... his first wife or girlfriend for now... : Tsunade

Aaahhh I'm... I'm... I'm Hooo Hoshi Na... Natsuhi hi... his see... see.... : Natsuhi

Both Tsunade and Serena burst in laughter as she tried so hard from her embarrassment to introduce herself to his parents and his current girlfriend...

Where did you find such a cute girl?? : Serena

Just before she could answer little Kushina steeped forward with a really brave and unyielding face and yelled at them...

Big Bro Linley is mine to marry dattebane!!! : Kushina

Her little face blazed with seriousness while pointing at them... Linley had his palm on his face while all others laughed at little Kushina, after a few minutes Linley finally sighed and ended this parody by talking to the Hokage...

Old Man the mission on the Hoshikagure has been completed, I assume you were notified and also about her being the daughter of the 3rd Hoshikage... : Linley

Now on the Uzumaki clan, i noticed to many suspicious activities... If i have to place my money somewhere i guess in the next 3-4 years something major will happen to them... : Linley

Linley, what do you mean by that?? : Mito

I meant what i meant the Uzukage seems to know a few things but i have no idea if he can do anything about it... : Linley

Linley did you try to help them?? : Serena

Help?? People that harmed my family?? Since when did I go easy on those people Mom?? : Linley

Linley turned towards little Kushina and smiled lightly before activating his eyes and placed her in a Genjutsu as she fell asleep...

Wait, Linley why did you do that?? : Serena

Tsunade stand a bit with Natsuhi and hold on Kushina... : Linley

Sure... : Tsunade

As Tsunade went towards them Linley turned to the Old Man and after looking him with coldness in his eyes he clapped both his palms together...

I thought i could count on you Old Man, thank the gods that i had to take care of everything... : Linley

When he finished his speech 7 people appeared 2 from both of his sides and 3 on the door stunning everyone but before they could react they heard 2 voices and when they looked down they were in disbelief....