Chapter 85 : Reaching The Land Of Rain...

Linley got a bit into thinking about rogue children, Pakura should be 9 years old and 4 months this year as she was born on same with Mikoto...

It was never mentioned where she was born only that she was raised from a small age in the Sunagakure... Konan must have been born a few weeks earlier, therefore, she is not an orphan yet but she will be in 5-6 years...

Then what the hell is this, he doesn't remember this event at all... Tsunade waited till Linley finish his pondering and after a few seconds, he did before speaking up to her...

For now, we will both create a wood clone and send all these kids in the Konoha. : Linley

I'm fine with that but what will happen to them?? : Tsunade

Probably they will be investigated by both reading Jutsus and Genjutsus to see if any of them belong to allies with Konoha... : Linley

After a few minutes, Linley and Tsunade created in total 10 wood clones and transferred the Kids slowly in Konoha... The Original Tsunade and Linley continued their journey and Linley had an annoying face which made Tsunade blush a bit as she knew the reason...

At some point, she was looking to say something to him and then it struck her before asking him what that was that pulled the bandit's soul out...

Oh, that... From what i could see in the memories inside the rock these eyes grants 7 abilities... : Linley

He went on and on to explain the Six Paths Technique.

Control over attractive and repulsive forces with the Deva Path.

The ability to mechanise one's body with the Asura Path.

Soul extraction through the Human Path.

The menagerie of summons available to the Animal Path.

Chakra absorption through the Preta Path.

And access to the King of Hell through the Naraka Path.

There was also a seventh ability, the Outer Path, is said to allow the user to preside over life and death, granting the ability to revive the dead.

The seventh is the one you said to Grandmother Mito and by using it she can bring back my grandfather?? : Tsunade

Yes, however, what i told you are from my memories how far their abilities go or what are the drawbacks... : Linley

I'm surprised you managed to even realise these many things with just memories... : Tsunade

Well, i had 5 years to ponder over those memories otherwise i wouldn't even give them to you guys. : Linley

As they kept talking and moving on 3 days passed with Linley and Tsunade having small liberties here and there, during this time they finally reached the Land Of Rain...

Linley has a few complex emotions because he knew that if he doesn't save Nagato and his sisters this place will result in a war Zone...

What's wrong nervous?? : Tsunade

Ugh... Kinda... : Linley

Tsunade laughed at his face as he was frowning and at the same time, he started speaking to his system in order to scan for any blood signatures similar to his Uzumaki...

[Host will need to pay 10.000 Points for a large scale of the half Land Of Rain... Y/N??]

Yeah do it... : Linley

[Affirmative... Remaining 146.000 Points.]

[Scanning This Will Take 10 Minutes...]

Well, shall we go down there wife... : Linley

You haven't married me yet... : Tsunade

Not my fault i tried to eat you more than 5 times during our time here and we got interrupted all 5... : Linley

Poor those bandits... : Tsunade

Let's go don't you want to meet your sister in law?? : Linley

Ugh.... : Tsunade

Now, who is the nervous one?? : Linley