Chapter 99 : The Battle Of Titans...

When Madara slashed downwards with his full Susano a clone of Linley rushed and made his hands into claws before yelling a name...

Elemental Element : Voidless Claws!!! : Clone Linley

He extended his hands and just before the blade crashed down he caught it with his claws and sparks flew around as the clone got a tremendous pressure making the ground he was standing cracked in the whole vicinity...

To the clone, the pressure lasted for minutes but in reality, it was a few seconds... When the dust that got raised up to the clouds got cleared Madara could see the clone sweating as he was holding the blade...

Hahahahaha, a mere clone had powered that rivals Susano, now I've seen it all. : Madara

Actually, it would be the last you will see... : Linley

As he spoke another clone vanished and appeared at the forehead of Madara's Susano before punching it causing the whole part of it's head revealed multiple cracks...

Che!! Annoying... : Madara

He used his chakra and healed the parts that had cracked before punching the clone that was in the air with his Susano sending it like an arrow towards the horizon...

That's one down... : Madara

He was looking with cold eyes towards the clone who was holding the sword and raised his foot before stepping on the blade giving it more pressure and finally cutting the clone in half...

Now that's what i call stepping on ants... : Madara

2 down... 8 to go... : Madara

Before he could see where Linley was standing he heard a voice from behind him making his blood freeze as he turned slowly around...

If you focus too much on the clones you will miss me... : Linley

Linley had entered inside the cracks and appeared in the forehead of Susano, this negligence of Madara gave him enough time to do it before punching at him and sent him out of Susano before he crashed on a mountain...

Che... Fats bastard... : Linley

From the point, Madara crashed he saw a figure standing there panting... he made two Shadow clones behind him and let them take the damage as he came out unscathed but the mental pain caused by the death of his clone could be seen in his face...

It may not have injured you physically but at least your mind was damaged... : Linley

Hehehehehahahahahahah, this is pain... How many years has it passed till i felt being alive!!! : Madara

Oh, yeah i forgot you are nuts... : Linley

Let the true dance begins!!!! : Madara

Fire Element : True Majestic Destruction Justu!!!! : Madara

Giant waves from his mouth were expelled running towards the clones before burning everything in their path...

But he didn't stop there, he instantly performed a few seals and continued with his Jutsus...

Wind Element : Great Breakthrough!!! : Madara

Just before the clones could do something the flames increased in speed reaching them almost instantly...

Water Element : Water Wall!!!! : Linley

A giant wall appeared covering the clones but it gave them very little time as the flames easily overpowered it with the help of wind...

This time, however, was enough to make them do a simple jutsu like Linley did and powered up their defences...

Water Element : Water Wall!!!! : 8x Clones Linley

Madara had calculated this and had already activated his new Jutsu based from the seals...

Lightning Element : Thunder Discharge!!! : Madara

From his hand's countless bolts of lighting were launched towards the clones who supported the water wall, when it reached them due to the difference in temperature when they touched the water a steam explosion happened and sent all clones flying away...

Oh?? That was new in your arsenal... : Linley

I just thought it..... : Madara

Before he could finish his speech the ground cracked revealing a clone that gave an uppercut in his jaw before another appeared and kicked him in his abdomen making him puke blood and sent him flying away...