Chapter 206 : Kirigakure!!!

Having nothing to do the two Tobirama decided to go out with a bang as they got trapped inside here and make it seem like suicide from not letting enemies get their bodies...

At the same time, this would justify the means to drop the scroll to them...

Both of them started taking out blood bottles from their pouch they had prepared before their trip and placed them below in their feet...

They started waving hand-signs and when the last one was performed they yelled together...

Water Element : Exploding Water Colliding Wave Jutsu!!! : Both

Each one of them spat out a great volume of water from their mouth, swallowing up and crushing themself with the advancing surge.

The amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used and with both clones going poof it was enormous...

Outside Tsuchikage felt a great disturbance from inside and soon cracks started appearing in the domain they had created to trap them inside and from there water flowed out with bits of red mixing within...

He quickly yelled towards everyone in the vicinity to leave at once...

Retreat!!!! : 3rd Tsuchikage!!!!


The prison exploded and an enormous wave made of water and blood burst out destroying everything in their path...

Those that managed to survive hurridly used Earth Walls to contain the damage...

After everything settled down, many searched for the enemy only to find their blood and no remainings at all expect two pouches that were badly damaged and had a few items there...

The Iwa Shinobi found the scroll and see that it was highly sealed they immediately handled it to their Tsuchikage who destroyed its seal with his Dust particles...

They all watched as the face of their Tsuchikage became that of horror and left off through the air as if his world had just been destroyed...

Going back in time at the time frame where they had agreed they would start the attacks on the Villages...

The third member of the fiasko they wanted to set up being Izuna stared down at his target along with his two clones...

The hidden village of the Land of Water. As the village of one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, Kiri has a Kage as its leader known as the Mizukage.

The whole village was alert from the previous zombie attack they faced and dealt with the incredible difficulty that their own Kage had to step in and put order around...

Befitting its name, the village is surrounded by a thick mist, with several mountains in the background, making it difficult to find by foreigners.

Kirigakure's architecture is composed of several cylindrical buildings, with the Mizukage's office being the widest and largest. Most of the buildings have vegetation growing on their roofs.

The standard attire for Kiri shinobi revolves around a pinstriped material which the shinobi wear as bracers and greaves which merge into their sandals.

Underneath this, they wear a full-black shirt and pants over which they wear the villages' standard grey flak jacket.

Well, then I guess the others have started their assault and in their own way drawn the Kage out... : C. Izuna

I have to hide the fact that i am an Uchiha and for that, i need large destructive ability to alarm them... : C. Izuna 2

Then first let's destroy this mist this will definitely alert the Kage... : C. Izuna 3

All Izuna started waving their hands forming seals and soon they all clapped their hands together as their Chakra spiked and yelled...

Fire Element : Great Fire Destruction Jutsu!!!! : X3

From their mouth, a massive stream of intense flames burst out from 3 different angles that united at the end of them forming a hude wave of blazing hell that instantly dispelled their mist due to different climate and set a vast area ablaze, engulfing everything in a veritable sea of flames.