Chapter 221 : Schemes In The Darkness...

However, it disturbs me that i can only read about facts of their past... : ???

Did they figured out i'm learning their secrets?? : ???

Thanks to this i missed my chance in sending the Hoshikage to intercept them... : ???

Then again, not that i can complain as i learned also a few valuables secret information... : ???

Who would have thought that me the Great Black Zetsu, would figure out the secret behind his powers... : Zetsu

Its been only a few days since they supposedly saved him from my control and just as i always lament on that, something good comes out in the end... : Zetsu

Who would have thought that he gained his powers based on a mutation he had as a baby... : Zetsu

I was speechless when Fuso talked about it to my dear Ben... : Zetsu

This means that based on what i did with Hoshikage and Uzukage that all bloodlines can mutate if you compliment them with the right counterparts... : Zetsu

I really need to see what i can achieve with the 200 Bloodlines i have in store... : Zetsu

This will be the greatest war that will fall in the world... Hahahhahahahahaha... : Zetsu

30 year?? I already waited close to five from the original timeframe... If i can reduce everyone to ashes... I will gladly do it!!! : Zetsu

Unknown to everyone as to what Zetsu was preparing again their backs, Linley with two Anbu masked people namely Hashirama and Madara has left with the 3rd Hokage to go on their way towards the meeting place...

They decided to meet up with the others on a proper memorial place that signified a lot of things for the Shinobi World...

It was a location close to the border of the Land of Fire and the future known as the Land of Sound.

Shortly after the foundation of Konoha, the Senju's leader, Hashirama Senju became the First Hokage, much to the dismay of the fallen Uchiha leader, Madara Uchiha, who intended to destroy the village with the forced assistance of Kurama — the Nine-Tails.

The valley was carved out by Hashirama's Top Transformed Buddha's barrage. The battle ended with Hashirama victorious, Madara escaping his death and going into hiding, and Kurama being sealed within Hashirama's wife, Mito Uzumaki.

This was what Linley knew from both manga and anime the destructive power displayed in the epic battle left a scar in the earth and was named the Valley of the End.

The end of two shinobis, called friends, rivals, enemies and so on, only for both of them to find how wrong they were about each other...

After travelling for how long, they finally arrived and reached the spot they had arranged it was in the middle of the two statues below them in their feet...

As it was something concerning their names it was decided to stand below in a hand made the earth island Linley would make without messing the waterfall...

In the end, Linley created an artificial earth bridge on their feet to connect the lands together and then in front of the bridge he created chairs with symbols and a round table...

As he finished the preparations, all of them felt movement around them rise in their feet, the 3rd Hokage was in front of them while Linley and the two Anbu were behind him...

Soon sounds of brushes, steps in the trees and the water were heard in the area as multiple figures jumped from different angles landing on the bridge...

Each Kage, landed on the spot of their respected symbol and behind them were three guards designed to guard them...

We have finally gathered together, all Kages after the first meeting... : 3rd Hokage

I really hope it is worth my time!!! : 3rd Raikage

Now, now, We have some serious issues here... : 3rd Mizukage

Hah, why would i even bothered to come here if it wasn't important to scramble with young ones... : 3rd Tsuchikage

You are not that old... You reached 30 right?? : 3rd Kazekage

You want to die!!! : 3rd Tsuchikage