Chapter 235 : The Second War!! 5

Inside here awaits your death... : Serken

We will see... Hmm?? : Linley

Linley opened his eyes wide as he could feel slowly his chakra getting absorbed and couldn't feel in the air any Natural Energy...

If he wanted to enter sage mode he had to use what he is keeping inside him as Reserves...

It seems like you realised... : Serken

Your talent and percep[tion are quite good, if my daughter was alive I would certainly arrange a marriage between the two of you... : Serken

Granted that you lived in the same Era... : Serken

I'm Flattered, but no thanks i have kids on my own and I'm not picky on who they will choose... : Linley

They just have to be able to take a punch from me... It's nothing much... : Linley

Black Water Element : Water Spikes!! : Serken

Serken made a single seal and from there Linley jumped backwards as he dodged spikes from under his feet...

Hahahaha, i wondered how long you can dodge... : Serken

Dodge?? : Linley

Linley activated his eyes showing his purple ring and in the centre of them, eight tomoes spun around four on each eye...

The air around Linley changed shocking Serken but the most shock of his went towards to Linley's eyes...

Sharingan?? No, it's like a different eye...

Ice Element : Ice Giant No Jutsu!!! : Linley

What!!! Yuki Clan's Kekkai?? : Serken

Linley's whole body glowed with a white ice blue hue snow that expanded creating Ice and covering his whole body which very soon truly a giant was formed...

How is the defence of this dome?? : Linley

He raised his hand causing tremors among the surface of the dome and punched out smashing his fist into the ceiling while pushing his hand through...

While the whole place was shaking with ripples travelling from when his first collided to every part of the dome...

You know what they say... If one punch isn't enough, punch a second time... : Linley

I won't let you!! : Serken

He quickly waved hand seals as his chakra burst out making it visible in the eye...

Black Water Element : Funeral!!! : Serken

He dipped his hands inside the black water as he executed his Jutsu and suddenly the whole dome trembled as more and more water started bursting from the walls, the ground and the ceiling trying to drown Linley...

This little water is nothing... Oraaa!!! : Linley


His second punch landed next to where his first fist passed through and caused another wave or ripples to travel around...

He then tried to take his fists back and punch again but couldn't which caused him to frown while Serken started laughing...

On the other hand, Binger and her clan along with those from Kaguya watched as two Ice Punches burst out from the dome in front of them...

That's... How... : Binger

They were shocked to see the ice from another person apart from their Clansmen...

Back in the dome...

Hahahaha, what now?? : Serken

He asked as he was busy pumping more chakra into the dome for more water to be created and swallow the giant but his eyes popped out...

If two punched can't do the work... Then use four of them... : Linley

Ice formed in the back of the giant forming two more hands as they punched forward as well where the stuck fists were located...

BURST OPEN!!! : Linley


The moment his punches landed on the ceiling he yelled while the dome literally burst open causing Serken to scream as he could now see the stunned members of Yuki seeing a Giant with four hands made of Ice...

Kaguya members did not have it any better as they thought the kid would die in there...