Chapter 239 : The Second War!! 9

Imagining himself trying to train like a normal genin without cheats and at the same time trying to unlock his Tomoes would have probably made him forever Genin...

As he reached his destination on Kumogakure, he was shocked to see destroyed mountains, plains and in short a blazing hell...

What the hell happened here?? : Linley

He was shocked beyond words, it like Bijou fought each other and even then the destruction would not be that much...

In fact, their fight would have been a warm-up...

He immediately created a clone and updated them of the situation so that they can report it to the other Villages and act accordingly...

From what he could see perhaps Kumogakure might no longer exist...

He vanished from his portion as he rushed towards the core of the village while he was solemn about the destruction around him...

The outposts of Kumo Ninja's have been reduced to ashes and it was unknown if they died or someone were lucky enough to survive...

It took him quite a while to reach the center of Kumogakure where the main buildings stood tall but shown signs of battle...

Just as he was about to enter and explore for survivor...


A thunderous explosion sounded out from the north side behind the village and a few mountain peaks away...

If I remember correctly... : Linley

That's the valley located somewhere within the Land of Lightning's many mountain ranges. It's a water-filled valley covered in clouds or fog. Within this valley is a dark cavern where the jinchūriki of the Eight-Tails, trains.

It's also where Yugito Nii practises in the future but at this moment she is a baby...




I better hurry!! : Linley

After hearing three thunderous sound he harried up to reach the point of the battle and after 30 minutes of constant running, he finally arrived...

He froze on his steps as he saw a familiar face holding the 3rd Raikage from his neck while the current host of Eight-Tails was down on a pool of blood that clearly belongs to him...

Oh?? You came here so fast??? : ???

How is it?? Do you like my first masterpiece?? : ???

B. Zetsu... : Linley

Anger started rising inside him especially when the person he was controlling right now is the father of Natsuhi...

However, his eyes reminded him of one character from another anime called Bleach...

What's with that look?? You took my pawns and I took yours... : B. Zetsu

Did you expect me to wait for 30 years?? : B. Zetsu

I should have killed you back then... : Linley

I'll make sure not to make any mistakes this time... : Linley

Bhaahahahaha, you think you can?? If you kill me those guys will be alerted... Can you deal with them?? : B. Zetsu

I guess... I will find out in the future... : Linley

Linley activated his eyes while entering sage mode causing his whole body to be clad in black flames with white markings of magatamas on his chest and a tree in his back that had his eyes above it...

B. Zetsu who was in hiding was shocked by the huge amount of disparity from a few seconds ago and now...

Through Hoshikage he could feel nothing...

The only things his eyes could see was a huge mass of Chakra and Natural energy perfectly blended with each other...

No, it was like he was born with both energies...

As if he was an Otsutsuki from the very start...

Fascinating... So your eyes can bring out the Bloodlines closely related to their origins... : B. Zetsu

Hoshikage let go of Raikage before kicking him and blew him away not knowing if he was alive or not...

If I take your eyes my plans will move much earlier forward and even this war would be meaningless once my mother revives... : B. Zetsu