Chapter 243 : The Second War!! 13

Hoshikage suddenly opened his eyes and saw his whole body submerged in the ground that was not ground anymore...

But something akin to Lava...

The last thing he remembered was sacrificing himself to save his people then waking up seeing a dark ceiling along with Chakra colourful lines...

As he tried to piece together a few things, he was hearing rough breathing and slightly turned his head sideways only to see a familiar body twitching...

The more he looked the more familiar the body seemed which eventually caused him to open his eyes wide and struggled to get out...

He could see with his eyes that his body was beyond damaged while he didn't have any chakra lines at all...

What the hell?? Where am I?? Where is this?? What is this?? : Hoshikage

He started to question himself as he looked around and only saw destruction, he went to pick up the body and as he did his hands got burned...

Aarrg!!! : Hoshikage

I-is that y-you H-hoshikage..... : Linley

Linley asked as he was barely able to as most of his focus was to keep his body together he didn't care about his two hands as those can be recovered later on...

What the hell happened here?? : Hoshikage

As he asked this question he felt movement around him and when he turned he saw Chakra lines getting thicker and thicker and soon several figures landed away from their spot shocked about the destruction...

It was the Eight-Tails Jinchirouki, the 3rd Raikage, Madara, Tobirama, Hashirama, Tsunade and Mito...

When Raikage was blown away he didn't pass out in cold blood, he struggled and carried the Eight Tail in the mountains where everyone from the Village had evacuated and directly reported through their channels to Konoha...

They originally planned to send a few people but when Linley's clones vanished from the world all hell break loose and all of them using the secret places they had built teleported to Kumogakure...

After Tsunade healed 3rd Raikage and the Eight-Tails they rushed here only to see destruction and in the middle of it Linley missing his hands while suffering and Hoshikage...

Anger welled up at Raikage and the Eight-Tails and almost charged if not for Hoshikage yelling at them...

Back off!!! Somehow this area is burning Chakra like poison if you get close it won't end well!!! : Hoshikage

You bastard!! First, you attacked our village and now you are playing the good guy and warning us??? : 3rd Raikage

Hoshikage was stunned, he did this??

No more importantly!!! Linley needs medical attention...

If you said so then it's true!! But I wasn't the one controlling my body!!! I was supposed to die saving my clansmen... : Hoshikage

Hoshikage lament this fact with sadness visible on his face and this time it was the 3rd Raikage who was stunned while the Eight-Tails said...

He is telling the truth, his emotions are sadness, confusion and urgency... Completely different from the emotionless attacker from before... : Eight-Tails Jin

You people leave it for earlier now containment is needed and saving Linley... : Mito

Mito spoke up while Hashirama, Madara, Tobirama and Tsunade solemnly nodded, they got a few scrolls from Mito and was asked to spread out in a circular area....

Make sure to go as far as possible from here where you won't feel your chakra burning up... Create clones if need be... : Mito

The 3rd Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki nodded and spread out...

In the end, the spherical circle they covered was 10 kilometres shocking everyone but still, they did their jobs...

They opened the scrolls and sales started spreading far and wide and connecting with the other scrolls...

When all the seals connected with each other a large barrier was raised isolating the area completely with Linley and Hoshikage inside...