Chapter 247 : The War Dies Down!!!

Linley woke up in a bed in the hospital while a nurse was taking care of him...

When the nurse noticed that he had finally awoken, she rushed outside and called everyone who was waiting to tell them the news...

Soon everyone Linley knew came inside including Tsunade and Natsuhi with their children and tears almost fell from their eyes...

Why are you all crying?? : Linley

Kid, you really worried us, you've been asleep for six months... : Hiruzen

Linley blinked his eyes several times as he slowly processes what he heard and soon they open as wide as the full moon in the sky...

You are kidding me!! : Linley

Unfortunately not Linley... You've been in a coma for the last six months... : Mito

The war?? What about the war?? What happened to the Hoshikage?? : Linley

He started barraging them with questions making them smile wryly before they slowly explained to him what happened...

From their words, Linley missed quite a few events...

First, the Hoshikage was safe and is currently in Konoha residing with Natsuhi...

Amegakure's leader Hanzo joined the war protecting the land of Rain from zombies but as poison didn't work on them eventually he was forced to ask for help...

The one a that went there was Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru...

After calming down the situation the three returned full of praises from Hanzo and dubbed them as Sannin...

At the same time, Jiraiya took two disciples...

One named Yahiko and one named Konan...

The moment he heard that he couldn't help but retort to Tsunade and Hiruzen...

He didn't take them because he wanted to groom Konan for his research right?? : Linley

As Jiraiya was known to the village and had taken many beating, Hiruzen and Tsunade actually had a weird glint in their eyes making the others send prayers for Jiraiya in the afterlife...

Jiraiya on the other hand as he was thinking about various things started sneezing...

The Sunagakure was assaulted by zombies once again and asked for help and the one who went was Sakumo Hatake with a few others...

It was now the year The war raged for six months and with Linley being in a coma for six months a year passed...

From till He was 22 years Old...

Tsunade was 27-8 years old...

Irina, Izumi and Sena were 12 and 5 years old...

Ada Senju and Rania Hoshi Uzumaki his daughters were 2 and 1 year old...

Pakura and Mikoto were now 15 years old...

Minato and Kushina were 12 years old...

Konan was 6 years old...

Kurenai Yūhi and Shizune were 3 years old...

Mei Terumi and Rin Nohara were two years old, Yugito Ni is one year old, while now on Samui, Mabui and Anko Mitarashi will be born in fall...

Finally, Yakumo Kurama and Izumi Uchiha will be born at , two years later in Temari is born, Fu will be born on while in at 25th February Tayuya is born, the same year on 6th July and 6th September Kin Tsuchi and Kurotsuchi is born,

And one year later in on 14th February, 20th June, 23rd September and 27th December Karui, Karin, Ino Yamanaka and Hinata Hyūga, Shion are born...

So far he still doesn't know when Guren and Koyuki will be born...

In the blink of the eye, a year passed since the war started and by the time they p[ut an end to this he will miss his loved ones quite a bit...

So what's the status of the war now?? : Linley

For now, it is guerrilla tactics by sending zombies to villages and making us spread our powers to them and this is not only on the land of fire but to all countries... : Madara