Chapter 250 : Ghosts!!

Soon many figures gathered around Madara as he was solemn while Tia and Ria got dragged away by Tsunade, Natsuhi, Mikoto and Mito...

Are... I still can't believe the infamous Madara learned to cook... : Linley

You bastard... You know damn well cooking is a necessity for survival... : Madara

Hahahahahaha, Madara, that is true so what are you going to cook for us?? : Hashirama

Linley, Tobirama, Izuna, Uncle Ben and Hoshikage looked at Hashirama with weird looks while Madara twitched as his face started distorting...

Learn to cook on your own!! : Madara

Hahahahahaha, don't worry I know how to cook the rice... : Hashirama


Everyone was speechless as Hashirama managed to tell a joke making everyone open their eyes wide and for a few seconds no one spoke up...

Sigh... Jokes aside... Congratulations on becoming a father... : Linley

Madara was stunned for a bit before he said thanks while the others started congratulating him as Hashirama was doing his own antics...

Soon, Ria and Tia came back and were blushing as they threw sneak peeks at Madara while lightly smiling seemingly being happy...

A few months passed and on February of everyone had gathered at the Hospital as Tia and Ria were due to delivery...

Surprisingly Jiraiya had come back with his two students which caused him to whelp as Tsunade and Jiruzen harshly beat him up...

Yahiko and Konan simply watched this unfold and they had a pretty good idea as to why he was going through all that...

Madara started pacing back and forth as they were his children no matter how he cut it and it was his first time being in this situation...

Soon two nurses came out with Tsunade as they were exhausted to help in the labour and prompted Madara to enter inside...

When he did he body started shaking and got closer to Ria and Tia as they were holding their babies in their hands...

Surprisingly both of them had twins which made Madara a father of four babies...

Hey, Madara, how should we name them?? : Ria

Do you wish to hold them?? : Tia

Madara didn't know what to do this was an unknown field to him but still nodded and extending his hand gently as if he was afraid of harming the small life in front of him...

Slowly getting used to holding them, he spoke up...

This little girl will become strong like her mother... She will be called Tiana Uchiha... While this one will be called Riana Uchiha... : Madara

As for the boys... Manta Uchiha and Lin Uchiha... : Madara

The two of them smiled before a wave of exhaustion washed them over causing them to fall asleep as Madara was next to them...

Soon Tsunade entered inside and prompted him that they needed rest and she would need to register the babies under his name as their father which he nodded...

The next few months passed peacefully which was disturbing as if it was the calm before the storm...

Jiraiya had stopped training Yahiko and Konan while the two of them stayed in Konoha and trained under Tsunade and Linley...

Both of them were 8-9 and 10-11 and for their age, they were quite strong...

In Hatake Kakashi became chunin...

What surprised Linley was the fact that Danzo appeared in front of him...

He had completely forgotten about the deal he had made with him...

I have completed everything you have tasked for me... : Danzo

I blamed Orion for the bodies I experiment with and returned everything... I'm sure you heard about that... : Danzo

As for the second part you can check the seals Mito placed on me are still activate.. : Danzo

Linley nodded to him before they visited Mito to have a thorough check on the seals and it was true no sign of tampering was found...