Chapter 262 : Is This Marriage??

Mito used everything she had and drafted those two contracts which both signed with their blood however Linley got surprised...

He got notifications from his system...

[Host Has Bound With His Blood The Contract 'Marriage With Pakura']

[Privileges Activated!! Pakura Is Now Able To Use Scorch Release - Fire Release - Wind Release With The Same Aptitude As Host!!]

Linley's mouth went O...

While Pakura started feeling weird at first when the seals activated and felt a qualitative change In her chakra as if it got purified by a few levels...

Does this mean they are husband and wife without getting married like Tsunade and Natsuhi??

System are you able to copy the contract?? : Linley

[Host can buy it for 1.000.000 Points in the shop...]

Fuck doesn't that mean he would directly be able to marry any girl he likes and automatically makes their affinity stronger without lifting a finger??

Pushing it back in his mind everything ended and Kazekage made a few questions which Pakura was tongue-tied and was unable to even respond...

However, Linley thought that this might be not because of the contract but the system itself...

After making sure that everything worked in the end, she was allowed to stay here for three months and then she and Linley would have to leave for Suna before separating for the rest of the year...

A few days later when everything had settled, Linley was with Pakura and cuddling on their bed, he had explained to her that the Contract was null and what she felt was through his own bloodline...

This caused her to test her Element and was shocked at how much power she can generate right now...

She had reached Kage Level quite easily and wouldn't lose out at all...

This made her quite happy and started raining him kisses before she knew it and when she realised her misdeeds it was too late, Linley had already started taking liberties with her...

Aaaah~! : Pakura

She released a surprised m.o.a.n after Linley stuck his fingers inside her closed cave.

Oh? Looks like I've found your weak spot... : Linley

Linley said to her with a grin on his face as he rubbed a specific location inside her cave with his fingers.

Aah... Ahhh… Ahhhhn! : Pakura

Her face burned as she was getting turned on and soon her body started jerking on its own indicating she was close to her climax...

Linley started kissing and licking her neck making her eyes roll back as she growled in his arms before her body gushed with crystal clear nectar the next moment...

Seeing this, Linley continued to tease her weak spot for many minutes until she was practically crying from too much pleasure.

He then slowly placed he in the bed they were in and placed himself on top of her before he smiled gently at her every face and pressed his dick between her slit after removing his clothes.

A moment later, he pierced her walls and broke the seal that kept her status of beautiful forbidden kunoichi intact.

Pakura clenched her teeth together to endure the pain, as this is her first time experiencing such intense pain before.

However, she still managed to endure it before giving Linley the signal to continue with a gentle nod of her head, Linley then began thrusting his stiff dick inside her body, rubbing her inner pink walls with his rod.

Aahhn~ : Pakura

Aaaaahhhhhh~! : Pakura

Many minutes later, Linley released his load filling up Pakura's vagina.


But their lovemaking didn't stop there as Linley grinned and continue to pound her pussy in a doggy style this time as they switched their position with Linley be on her back...