Chapter 267 : Training!!

As Linley watched their fight unfolding he was taking notes on their traits and possible ways of helping them become stronger and stronger...

After their results came out Linley left them to rest...

"Asuma and Ibiki you have a strong body and a good start at Taijutsu, while Obito here... Well, let's move one..." Linley

Linley completely bypassed him which caused him to yell as their teacher focused on the girls more...

"Kurenai, you have a good start at taijutsu and while it is not your strong suit you managed to tie with Asuma using your mind..." Linley

"Shizune, the same applies to you as well..." Linley

Hearing his praises, the two of them smiled sweetly before Linley focused on Rin who was nervous about her match as she barely managed to win over Obito...

"As for you Rin, you barely have the basics and honestly I expected you not to win over Obito..." Linley

He said making her lower her head in sadness as she knew this was true and Obito growled at Linley...

"However you managed cleverly to make him stunned and lose focus over the course of the spar thus enabling you to win this match..." Linley

Seeing her sadness wash over her and a cheerful smile plastered on her face Linley smiled as well before continuing...

"As I'm going to train all of you despite being my personal disciples or students, I'm not gonna hold back..." Linley

"All of you know how to mould chakra so we will work on your refinement and control of it..." Linley

"To do that there are three known exercises and one more hidden... Does anyone know them??" Linley

Out of everyone, only Asuma raised his hand making Linley baffled as he expected at least Obito to know but it seems his lazy life surpassed that of Nara...

"They are Leaf Exercise, Tree Walking, Water Walking but I'm not sure of the last one... Or rather I haven't heard of it in my clan..." Asuma

"The last one is Air Walking..." Linley

Everyone opened their eyes wide and Obito was excited while yelling they would be able to fly and letting his imagination run wild while Ibiki raised his hand...

"Sensei, I assume Air Walking will only let us change directions in mid-air right??" Ibiki

"That is correct..." Linley

After agreeing, Linley then gathered chakra on his feet making it visible for them to see a blue glow in his soles and jumped as high as he could...

Then as he started falling down from the few meters he had jumped he used his feet to step on the air for splits second thus changing directions as he landed...

"This is never taught as it's incredibly hard to pull off and the chakra used to create the split-step allowing you to change direction is immense..." Linley

"There are a few ways to mitigate this and make it easier but would have to wait until you are way older..." Linley

"As we will try the Leaf Exercise first, I'll explain that for now..." Linley

"This training method is done by placing a leaf over an individual's forehead and having them direct all their chakra onto the leaf, using it as a focal point." Linley

"The true purpose of the exercise is actually to hone the individual's concentration and to keep their mind from becoming distracted while honing your control over chakra." Linley

"You need to make it so that the leaf can be remained stuck on your forehead even when a breeze pass by, after that the next step would be to do so to the rest of your body..." Linley