Chapter 282 : Pakura's Condition!!

Thankfully he knew that if something happens to Paura thanks to the system having the marriage he had done with Pakura in the past with Mito's help and he did with the others...

He knew she was okay and as she was delayed, he teleported on the trading spot and when many Suna ninjas saw him they had a respectful look on their faces...

Who is in charge here?? : Linley

That would be me sir... My name is Baki... : Baki

Baki is a very tall man.

He has two distinctive, red markings on the right side of his face, the only visible part of his head, with the rest being covered by his turban-like headgear and by a sheet hanging from it on the left side of his face.

He dons the standard attire of a Suna-nin, complete with a forehead protector and flak jacket.

Do you know why Pakura hasn't come to Konoha?? She was supposed to arrive two weeks ago and I crossed that to be busy on some kind of mission... : Linley

When he mentioned this a few people's faces changed and Linley activated his eyes ready to fight while he directly looked at Baki with a look that said start talking...

Sir, what we know is that suddenly Pakura vanished two weeks ago... It was a few days before she could travel to Konoha... : Baki

I see, I see... So which idiot has the guts to obstructed her way?? : Linley

Seeing that no one was talking while they made difficult faces, it wasn't that hard to figure the culprit was the 4th Kazekage...

Sigh... I have nothing agi=aint you lot who is trying to live and have families... But I have a family to protect as well... : Linley

If even a hair is missing out of her head Suna will cease to exist and there won't be war... But a one side massacre... : Linley

I just hope at that time you won't stand in my way as I kill to the top... : Linley

After scaring the hell out of them Linley closed his eyes and focused on the marks he had on his wives and every important person in his life and when he sensed it he vanished...

Linley suddenly appeared on a cellar with bars made up of a special metal that makes it so that Chakra is disrupted while also having various inscriptions and sealing formulas...

He turned around and finally spotted a figure...

However he couldn't move, his blood had frozen and his eyes glowed with anger and pure menace as Pakura's figure was thin as if she hasn't eaten for days...

Not only that but her body was filled with bruises...

He slowly walked towards her and took her in his arms which awoke her up and she hastily looked around to see what happened only to see the most familiar but scariest eyes...

You... Why didn't you flared your chakra?? Who did this?? : Linley

Linley... You are here good... I waited for you... : Pakura

Pakura spoke in a hoarse voice and Linley lift her up and let her sat properly on what was called a bed...

Then using hand seals he used a water element to clean her, a fire element to dry her before transferring his chakra and natural energy to her nursing her body back to her former glory...

Was it the Kazekage?? : Linley

Pakura nodded as she tried to stretch her body that was finally restored and before anything else she did something she would have never thought she would do on her own, she jumped on Linley and started kissing him...