Chapter 286 : A Fucked Up Suna!! 2

Roran you say?? : Rasa

I think i have a few records about them... : Rasa

Rasa drew another file from the shelve which stumped Linley as it seems like the shelves in the anime world always contain useless info while knowing where to look they contained valuable information...

By the time Rasa found all the related info about it, Linley's clone returned with a guest surprising Rasa while it cancelled itself making Linley gain its memories...

Sure enough, while he was busy searching for B. Zetsu, Minato and the Ino-Shika-Cho did encounter problems in Roran as there was a clan there send by B. Zetsu to harness the massive Chakra existed...

His clone tried to see with his eyes if they had any altered memories in case someone did travel to the past and they met but thankfully nothing was found...

Minato even explained to him where he would found their people or those who survived the constant wars and the current Queen a red-haired girl named Sara...

Linley, this is all I have to that place as it is no longer functional as a kingdom with few people surviving the ordeal of war... : Rasa

Also, who is the guest you brought here?? : Rasa

I will introduce you later, for now, I will make some attempts in visiting Roran and then go to Mount Koryū... : Linley

If I'm not wrong Pakura died there because that place is formed into four elemental areas. There is a ritual temple in the middle of the mountain. The area in and around Mount Koryū interferes with normal chakra usage. : Linley

Because of this, you need outfits specifically made to counter this effect. And even then there is no guarantee you can mould Chakra perfectly to execute Kekkai... : Linley

As for Roran, while my clone was back I asked Minato who was in charge of that place during the war with B. Zetsu and he had placed a seal there to seal the Dragon Vein... : Linley

But as he is still young perhaps he didn't seal it correctly and when that Chakra located there burst out its damage can reach Tail Beast Bombs Level... : Linley

Rasa paled as he didn't have knowledge of this because he recently took the seat and there were many things he didn't manage to confirm...

He saw Linley getting up and the Guest next to him performing some hand signs before...


White smoke filled the guest's position cancelling the transformation and revealing a figure that made the eyes of Rasa open wide...

Ah, right meet... My wife Minami... : Linley

Rasa was unable to react as the one in front of him was clearly Pakura not some Minami and then looking at Linley's emotionless eyes he shuddered realising that he knew what he did...

He couldn't speak a word at all...

Minami here knew Pakura, and as she 'DIED' in a mission or some 'DARK' place that suppresses chakra she wants to have her revenge... : Linley

Understanding the underlying meaning of Linley Rasa could only swallow it down as either it was on a mission or in the prison, they did have a dead body of hers...

It was then it occurred to him that that body must have been a fake, a puppet and everything threw mud to his face and caused his relationship with other trading nations to suffer while losing one capable Kunoichi...

Not to mention he just gave two highly S-Rank missions and files to Linley...

He truly fucked up this time and there was no coming back, since he dived into the mud he must swim through it and make it to the other side instead of sinking down...

Ah so its miss Minami, I'm truly sorry for your loss... : Rasa