Chapter 292 : Relocation!!!

With Mukade's influence being weakened significantly Sara took control of the flow once again and made Mukade lose his control over it...


What have you done!! : Mukade

Having lost his power of even slow regeneration despite Naruto's attack duration ended, now only his spider body was intact and he could barely move...

Not, bad for a Queen... : Linley

Hearing his praise, Sara bitterly laughed as she was really a great Queen not knowing the dangers that such a madman had prepared for them...

Don't worry, at least now you can be called a clan if anything else... If you wish you can relocate yourselves to Konoha... : Linley

That way you will always have protection and have the time to focus on rebuilding this Kingdom slowly... : Linley

Hearing his suggestion Sara agreed and prompted Linley to talk about the details unknown to her that she fell into Linley's trap...

A trap she will love and regret in the future from what Linley could read based on Kakashi's helpless expression...

Having finished dealing with Mukade, Naruto returned while he smiled and was full of energy for defeating an enemy in front of Linley and showing what he could do...

Contrary to his expectation however he was only welcomed with a poker face and an OK...

Meaning that Linley was not impressed, well maybe a bit for his Sage mode but for his skillset it was the same except he was much faster in Body Flicker...

After dealing with the aftermath and reaching the base where the sealing had took place, they saw Minato's Kunai shattered into million pieces...

Naruto of course took out another Kunai more advanced and stabbed the center of it while sealing formulas were spread all over the place effectively cutting off the wild Chakra...

What surprised Sara however was that she could still feel the Chakra and instinctively knew she could use it for her own use solely...

Naruto grinned looking back and forth at Linley and Sara while Kakashi had a face I don't know this guy...

Sara was confused by his meaning while Linley facepalmed himself and promised that when he is born he will personally train him...

As that thought crossed his mind Naruto and actually Ashura shuddered in the background for no reason known to them...

With this done, their bodies started glowing and eventually dispersed into particles leaving Sara who was still confused and Linley in the sealing room...

Don't worry about his meaning... : Linley

What's important now is to help your people... I will stay behind and help you till you are ready to relocate to Konoha... : Linley

Won't this cause a scuffle with Suna though... : Sara

Don't worry about it, I had talked to the Kazekage when arriving to check the seal and he knows that if anything comes up only us in Knaha can deal with it... : Linley

At least in the sealing department... : Linley

Nodding to his words both of them started talking about the conditions of their relocations and drafted a temporal copy for Danzo to go through it...

Creating a clone and sending it to his hands by teleporting made Sara think, wouldn't Linley on his own deal with this??

She suddenly doubted her decision but as this was for the best she dropped it...

Soon Linley's clone came back and there was a new paper alongside their own, it was a modified version of what Danzo permitted them and forbid them...

Reading it, Sara accepted it as she could understand the difficulties of the Kages and in the long run, it wasn't that hard to meet the requirements...