Dreams (4)

She leaned against the wall. "You should really sleep more, just falling asleep in class like that," she said, "It gave me quite a fright when your head hit the desk suddenly."

"Is that right," I said as I walked towards her. I leaned on the wall beside her and looked her in the eye. "that didn't feel like me just casually falling asleep Naylie, "I said, "And I will get to the bottom of it."

"Is that right?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

She moved off the wall and stood in front of me. She placed her hands on both sides of my body as if to trap me in one spot. She moved her face closer towards mine to the point if either one of us moved an inch our lips would touch. She licked her lips.

"Well count me out Ty Green," she said and backed away, "it's best if you don't go snooping around about me, and it's best if me and you no longer talk."

I reached my hand out towards her but suddenly the bell rung and the halls became packed with students. She disappeared into the crowd.

I rushed towards Mrs. Beth's class in hopes I can speak to Naylie again. She sat in the back of the class. I rushed towards my desk and threw my back pack on the floor before sitting down. She looked forward ignoring me. Her scent of honey and roses attacked my nose furiously as if it was on a mission. My consciousness slowly started to fade. I shook my head every now and then to fight off the sensation.

I looked at Naylie out of the corner of my eyes as my eyes started to droop slightly. She peaked at me and smirked before facing forward again. Before I knew it, the smell got stronger. It felt as if a force was tugging on my life force trying to pull me forward. I felt intoxicated and drunk on the smell of honey and roses.

I could feel my eyes roll to the back of my head. I shook my head one last time. Then the bell rung. She raced out of the classroom. I tried to follow her, but she was gone by the time I managed to get out of the classroom.

I checked my phone to see I had a message from hunter. "Hey dude meet me in front of the school we're going to your house to talk about your situation", it said.

I went outside towards the front of the school and found Hunter leaning against the wall. "Hey dude got your text, let's go," I said.

He nodded his head and followed behind me. We got into the car and drove all the way to Alex's house in silence. We went inside to the sound of Alex yelling on the phone.