Dreams (6)

Then I blacked out. Naylie was in my dream again. She twirled around in a field wearing a purple dress from an older time, but this time she was holding something. She was laughing with a big smile on her face while whispering my name.

"Ty." "Ty."" TY you're getting closer."

I shifted and opened my eyes. I'm getting closer to what I wondered. I wiped my eyes and turned over on my back to stare at the ceiling, but instead I was met by a pair of glowing red eyes. I could make out the silhouette of a face.

It was a woman.

She was right in front of me. I couldn't make out her features, but for some reason I wasn't scared. I stretched out my hand to try and touch her but she backed away slightly. She reached out her arms and her slender fingers cuffed my cheeks. Her hands were so warm and smooth. I leaned my head to the side and nestled my cheek further into her palm, then peered into her face again.

I can tell she was smiling because her eyes became softer. Before I can open my mouth to say anything she whispered, "sleep."

I blacked out again.

I jumped awake to the sound of my door slamming closed. Alex smacked me upside the head with a pillow. "I'm tired of you oversleeping!" she yelled, "this will not keep happening learn to set an alarm!" she stomped out of the room.

I sighed and got out of bed. A gold bracelet slid off the blanket and hit the floor with a loud dangle. I bent down to pick it up.

My eyes grew wide as I stared at it. I examined it up and down. I knew who the bracelet belonged to. It was very clear the bracelet belonged to Naylie Asher.

I threw on my clothes and ran out of the house. This can no longer wait. I can't keep letting her come up with excuses, I need answers now. I raced down the street and zoomed into the schools parking lot.

Students turned to look at the commotion as my tires screeched to a halt as I parked. I dashed down the hallway ignoring my friends and ran into the classroom.

Naylie was sitting at the table with her legs crossed staring out the window. I sat down in my seat and folded my arms in front of me. I stared at her. She ignored me, then turned to look me in the eye.

I slid the bracelet from under my arm towards her.

Her eyes grew a bit wide but then she calmly stared at the bracelet. "So, you have my bracelet, so what," she said.

I leaned in close to her and whispered, "this was at my house on my bed." Her eyes grew wide and she turned to grab her backpack. I grabbed her arm to stop her from running away.