Tempting (3)

She went quiet then stared at me with an intense look in her eye. Her scent tickled my nose as I stared into her eyes. For once I didn't feel intoxicated to the point of exhaustion, but intoxicated to the point of desire.

I didn't know if I was feeling this way because Naylie was a succubus or because of Naylie herself. She inched her face closer to mines to the point our noses just barely touched.

We stayed this way for a few seconds but they felt like hours. I can feel her breath tickle my nose as I stared her in the eyes.

I moved my gaze towards her lips. She licked her pink lips then started to inch closer. Our noses brushed past each other, then the bell rung.

She chuckled then backed away looking relieved and upset at the same time. "It's a good thing the bell rung when it did Ty," She said, "I'm sorry but I have to go, see you later."

"See you later," I said. She walked into the hallway and disappeared. I can still feel Naylie's presence in our almost kiss. I shook my head from side to side to clear my thoughts then got up to leave. I drove all the way home in silence, I didn't bother to turn on the radio in the car. My thoughts were too full of Naylie.

I walked into the house and called out to Alex before walking into the kitchen where I found a note on the door. "Ty, I went to visit my mom in Ventura, California, I'll be back in a few days, your stupid friends can come over but that's it."

I crumbled up the note and tossed it in the trash thinking that's one less problem to deal with. I retreated into my room after fixing myself a quick bite to eat and started on my homework.

When I was finished I checked the time on my phone and noticed it was getting pretty late along with a text message from Grayson.

"Hey dude we haven't really chilled one on one, so let's hang tomorrow since it's the weekend."

I responded sure then set my phone on the floor. It buzzed with a reply saying he'll be over tomorrow afternoon.

I changed into a pair of shorts and laid down on the bed with my chest to the ceiling letting the breeze hit my skin. Naylie flashed across my mind. I sighed and turned over on my side then closed my eyes.

My dream was different this time. Naylie ran through a field clutching a bible and panting heavily. Her expression was fearful as she kept looking back the further she ran. Her face was wet with tears. Something grabbed her hair and yanked her to the ground. She screamed a loud blood curdling scream.