Tempting (5)

I stood up and panted as she sat up on the bed. She stood up and walked towards me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed me down on the bed before climbing on top of me.

Her silky hair tickled the side of my face. She sat on my waist and cradled my cheek with her hand will I looked her in her bright red eyes.

The light from the window slightly beamed over the side of her shoulder and face. I watched her in complete awe at the beautiful scene before me.

Her shoulder and the side of her face was a slight grey color. It appeared as if a rainbow of different shades of purples and pinks ran through her skin like electricity dancing through the sky. Her skin looked magical in the light. She leaned in closer.

I reached out my hand and parted her lips with my thumb.

She chuckled then whispered in my ear, "sleep."

My eyes drifted closed as I looked up at Naylie to see a faint smile on her face. I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside.

I wiped my eyes then lunged forward quickly looking around the room but she was gone. I reached down on my floor to pick up my phone. Though the screen I can see my reflection. There was something on my chest. I stood up and walked toward the mirror. There was a phone number then a lipstick stain as if she was telling me to contact her.

I chuckled and saved the number in my phone. I walked around my bed to head downstairs fearing Grayson would be coming any minute when I heard a loud bang. I threw on a shirt and ran downstairs. I opened the door to see Grayson standing outside.

"Wassap dude I've been out here for like thirty minutes banging on the door," he said a bit annoyed.

"My bad I over slept," I replied.

He stepped into the house. I closed the door and we headed to the living room and set on the couch. He turned on the Tv and threw his feet up on the table. He looked at me then jumped. "Damn dude who you been kissing, you have lipstick on your cheek," He shouted.

"I do?" I asked while pulling out my phone to check.

"Yeah man, "He said while laughing. Just then my phone buzzed with a text.

"Hey about what happened Ty, can we talk about it?" It was a text from Naylie.

Grayson grinned from ear to ear with a giant smirk. "Oh, Ho so little Ms. Asher left her mark on you huh, you sly dog," He joked while nudging me in the side.

I smirked then stood up and headed into the dining room and called her.