Alex's Approval (2)

Mrs. Beth put on a movie and told the class to pay attention there will be a quiz at the end. The classroom got dark as the cool A/C blew across the classroom.

Her hair swayed in the air as she glanced at me through the corner of her eye. Her scent tickled my nose as I snuck a glance at her every chance I could.

She inched her hand over mines under the desk and lightly grasped it. I glanced around the classroom to make sure nobody was watching before quickly giving her a peck on the cheek. She jumped in surprise and looked at me. I winked at her.

Before she could say anything, the bell rung. I jumped up out of my seat winked at her again and walked out of the classroom. I drove home to see Alex's car in the driveway.

I walked into the house to the fresh scent of cigarette smoke. Alex walked into the hallway then leaned on the wall.

"I see you didn't burn my house down," She said in between puffs.

"Yeah," I said as I headed upstairs. "Ty," She called from downstairs. I turned around and partly headed down to see her staring at me.

"Something is different about you, what is it?" She asked.

"I got a girlfriend," I bluntly replied.

She puffed on her cigarette and partly choked on the smoke while she coughed in surprise. "You what?" She asked while choking.

"I got a girlfriend," I repeated.

"Does she know about your past?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Hmmm interesting now, I want to meet her," She said before turning around and heading into the living room. "And she better be pretty!" She yelled from the sofa.

I laughed and started to head upstairs again when I heard a knock at the front door. I sat my backpack down on top of the stairs and headed towards the door to open it.