Lolita (5)

Naylie huffed in anger at Veronica. "Using him for his situation don't make me laugh, I'm in love with Ty Green to the point it's poisonous to drink from other men," Naylie barked, "so don't give me that crap just because your bitter and alone."

I grabbed Naylie and pulled her into a strong embrace ignoring Veronica. She wrapped her arms around my back resting her face in my chest. Veronica stood there and watched us then slowly stepped to us and placed her hand on Naylies shoulder.

Naylie glared at her in disgust but Veronica wore the expression of sorrow. "I'm sorry," Veronica whispered.

"What?" We teased simultaneously.

"I said I'm sorry," Veronica yelled. She watched us again then smiled slightly before turning her back on us. "I'll protect your relationship with my well-being," Veronica whispered. She started to disappear in a black mist but I grabbed her by the wrist. She looked at me in shock. Naylie grabbed her by the wrist also and gave her a slight smile. Veronica nodded and walked towards us. She sat on the bed and went back to her over annoying demeanor.

"Anyway", She practically yelled, "when will you break your virtue Naylie."

Naylies face pulsed a bright red tone as she stuttered in embarrassment. Veronica grinned in amazement as she stared at Naylies reaction. "So little Ms. Smack town still has a virtue," Veronica teased. I couldn't help but laugh slightly at their exchange. Naylie stuttered slightly before dramatically fainting on the ground.

Veronica and I stared at her on the floor before she said something, "I don't know why she acted like that I still have mines." I shot her an annoyed glare as she laughed at my expression. I helped Naylie off the floor and cradled her in my arms.

She mumbled and slightly batted her eyes. I chuckled slightly as I brushed my hand across her face. "Veronica," I said.

"Yes", She answered.

"Why is it when you die, you can't remember your death?" I asked.

She grew quiet and stared at me as if searching for an answer. "Maybe it's because of our destined partner," She said slowly, "I don't understand but our death fades from us and becomes a memory of the one we're supposed to be with, it's like a dream or a vision they'll continue to have until it reaches its conclusion."

"And of yours," I replied.

She smirked a sorrowful grin, "In a way I don't want to remember, I feel a sense of pain and betrayal when I try, but in a way, I feel like a piece of me is missing because I don't know."