Lolita (7)

She shuddered and laughed. "I can't take you serious when you do things like that," She giggled. I pressed my forehead against hers and stared her in the eyes. I smiled at her then gave her a quick peck on the lips. She smiled back whole heartily. She glanced at the door then smirked. "Looks like our time is up," She backed away from me and started to sink through the floor. I stepped towards her but she disappeared.

"Ty, get down here now," screamed Alex. I walked downstairs to see Alex staring at the ground.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She stepped to the side to reveal my father standing behind her. I gasped in surprise at the shock to see him. His appearance itself was intimidating. He stood tall and proud wearing a leather jacket clutching his phone in his fist.

"Ty," He said with his deep voice.

"Yes," I answered quietly.

He ushered his hand out the door telling me to step outside. I walked past Alex as she whispered in my ear," don't worry you're not going anywhere." I heaved a sigh of relief as I stepped outside. He stood over me with an intimidating stance.

"Ty this mess you started is breaking this family," He boomed, "These bills are driving us apart."

"what do you mean," I asked fearfully. "I can't keep paying for these hospital bills from that incident, your mother and I are getting a divorce," He said.

"You came all the way out here to tell me that," I replied slightly annoyed.

"Boy don't get smart with me, I'll smack the piercings out your ears and I'm visiting my sister meaning Alex's mother," He roared, "I need a break from that ghastly woman I call your mother."

My face distorted in disapproval. "Ghastly of a woman", I snapped, "that woman is my mother and she works harder for me than you ever have, she puts up with more sh*t from you than anybody else and you dare to insult her father!"

He grabbed the front part of my shirt in a fit of anger. His anger was strong enough to almost shake my resolve but I had to stay strong.

"What did you say boy, this is your fault you're the one who picked up that bat not me, you're the one who caused this drama not me," He shouted.

"I learned that streak of violence from you, you tyrant so hit me like you used to hit me and mother," I snapped, "don't think I don't remember those nights hearing you both argue and the sound of my mother's tearful cries because you struck her."

He curled up his lip in a fit of anger and raised his hand to strike me. I glared at him daring him to swing his hand. He looked at me as if he accepted the challenge and swung.