Second Encounter (4)

"Ty, you little..." Alex yelled as she swung open the door hitting me with it in the process.

I groaned in pain.

"All this noise what is wrong with you," Alex yelled.

"I had another nightmare and fell out the bed," I said through groans.

Alex sucked her teeth and helped me into the bed. She slapped me with a pillow and stormed out of the room.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time it was 3am. I sighed heavily and turned over on my side dropping my phone onto the floor. My eyes grew heavy as I stared at the ceiling. I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

I dreamt of a large open mountain terrain. It was dark outside I couldn't see my surroundings very clearly but I can tell I was standing on top one of the peaks. Veronica and Naylie appeared on either side of me covered in fresh bruises and wounds. Naylie held her arm and huffed as if in immense pain as Veronica stood hunched over.

I looked in front of me towards where their eyes were facing only to be meet by an immense vast of darkness.

I squinted my eyes for there appeared to be movement all around in what appeared to be inside the dark void. A pair of eyes peered at me and turned up as if they were smiling at me. Suddenly I heard a loud blood curdling wail.

The sound was so intense it startled me awake.

I lunged forward in my bed with a cold sweat dripping down my face. I looked around to see the morning sun peering in through my curtains. I got dressed and rushed downstairs to hear voices coming from the kitchen.

Alex and Ryan stood by the counter laughing over a cup of coffee. I rolled my eyes towards the front door but stopped when Alex loudly cleared her throat.

"Ty", Alex called out, "Come here".