Visitor (5)

A grand staircase led down the large crater until what seemed like deep into the earth. The walls had what appeared to be lava flowing through the cracks in small streams but was cold to the touch. As we walked I could hear the many cries and wails of weeping poltergeist.

A ghostly figure of a white woman ran past us flowing through my body sending a chill down my spine.

She turned around revealing her beautiful transparent face as she held her large flower hat over her curly hair. Her dress flowed even though there was no wind. She smiled sweetly then suddenly her face changed and twisted. Her curly hair danced wildly as her face distorted into that of pure evil. Her eyes glowed red as she opened her mouth to hiss revealing a row of jagged and pointed teeth.

I shivered at the sight of her.

"Disappear before I obliterate you." Chione spoke coldly and viciously towards the figure.

The woman winced then reverted back to normal before floating quickly down the large stairway.

I looked behind me to watch the large crater begin to close watching Naylie and Veronica running towards the entrance just to watch it close in front of them. Chione's two nearly skeleton servants walked behind us carrying her large black veil as it trailed behind us.

Ai Hoa ran towards my side walking next to me only to mock me. "Prepare yourself for Lady Tatianna mortal for even though Second lady Chione has approved of your wager I doubt Tatianna would feel the same once I make my report."

I glanced at her and spoke coldly. "Shut the hell up your troublesome."

"Hmph don't act so high and might just because you belong to the two seniors." She retaliated.

"Don't you serve the two seniors meaning pretty soon you should be serving me therefore you'll be helping me in the future rather you like it or not so say what you want by I'll have the last laugh."

Chione's voice spoke loudly completely drowning out my last sentence. "We are nearly there Ty Green, Please prepare yourself to grace your ladies presence and watch your tongue. She'll have no problem waiting another five hundred years for someone of you caliber to come along, I can promise you that."

I gulped then held my chin up high as we walked. "This is for Naylie." I thought to myself as I continued to walk down the long spiraling staircase towards a large red door at the bottom.

We neared the large red door with black trimming. The door handles were in the shape of large black bats with a large black spider sitting in the center with a green hourglass on the back of its body.