Tatianna (3)

I could hear the sound of her heels clicking into the ground as she drew closer. My body tensed up with every step as the very color drained from my body as my eyes remained locked on hers.

Her slender purple soulless eyes elevated her elegant yet beautiful charming face. She stepped in front my body. Her large chest protruding close to my slim muscular arms. My arms tensed up causing my veins to pop slightly.


She walked around my body looking me up and down. I could feel her eyes move around every inch of my very being with every gaze as she carefully analyzed me.

She stepped back in front of me staring me dead in the eye then snapped her finger sharply.

"Leave now!"

"YES MY LADY!" Ai Hoa and Chione chimed simultaneously as they bowed. They quickly and elegantly walked out of the large room leaving me behind with Tatianna.

Her gaze sharpened upon hearing the door close tightly. Suddenly her hand lunged forward grabbing me by the neck. Her very movements was so fast I didn't have time to react as my body slammed into a hard yet soft object.

I looked around what my body hit to notice I was sitting in a large black chair shaped like a dragon. The head of a demon was carved into the arm rest as the back was made from a large dragon wing.

I sunk slightly deeper into the dark velvet cushions getting a proper view of the dark black room. Two large candelabras stood on both sides of the chair dimly lighting the room giving it a creep yet eerie feeling.

Tatianna walked around the chair towards the back gliding her fingers across the arm rest as she stepped behind the chair away from my field of view.

her delicate yet powerful voice echoed across the room making my blood run cold.

"So I presume you are this Ty Green, the new harem master?"

"Mhm." I gulped as I tried to listen closely to the faint sound of rustling.

"I shall be the judge of that to see if you are fit to truly be the Harem Master over my world of succubus!"