Lord Ty (3)

"That is correct, this is Anbraxas a dragon born during the Spartan war right before the famous battle of 300. I expect you to take great care of him for my kingdom only has a total of five, due to the fact these beautiful creatures were hunted to extinction in your mortal world during the 12 and 1300s." She spoke sweetly but coldly as she rubbed the dragons large head.

It purred slightly as it closed his eyes relaxing his large head against her chest nearly crushing her to the ground.

Anbraxas opened his large eyes as he glared at me puffing a large ring of thick black smoke in my direction as he raised his head then descended his head back into the ground disappearing into the darkness below.

"It would appear he has yet to accept you as his master due to your weak nearly developed powers." She giggled as she began twirling her long white hair as she stepped towards me. "But don't worry the more succubus you ravash the stronger you get, just remember that." She pointed at the large dark brown down at the other side of the room. "Now get dressed there should be an outfit prepared for you befitting enough for you to stand next to me at the introduction."

I nodded and turned away from her field of vision not standing to be under her soulless gaze for another second.

I garnished my teeth as I walked towards the closet but stopped slightly in my tracks upon seeing a large crystal ball placed gently on a large column in the corner covered slightly by a large white cloth. The cloth hung loosely over the ball revealing on the corner enough to keep it hidden but also enough for me to identify the item with a small note attached. I was unable to see it contents.

I quickly turned away to keep Tatianna from coming to investigate what was causing my delay as the hidden item was placed perfectly beside the fireplace in a blind spot.

I quickly walked into the closet. A large row of clothes stretched across the large room sized closet. I looked around the many rows and rows of clothes nearly trapped in a rainbow of colors until my eyes landed on an outfit placed on a mannequin reminding me of the young man who follows the mysterious red haired lolita girl with large doll green eyes. I walked forwards placed my hand on the soft fabric as I wrinkled my nose wiping away the single tear which threatened to escape my eye as my heart cried out for Naylie.

"Hurry up Lord Ty for I am a very impatient woman!"