Meeting Hashirama and 3 years

As Akihiro woke up the next day half awake, he started to look for his phone but he didn't find it, suddenly he remembered the events of yesterday and started feeling a bit homesick, but he thought 'its worth it because now I have my own adventure'.

After dressing up the same version of his clothes from yesterday only new and clean. he started walking outside his room he noticed Madara was eating breakfast, he joined him with Izuna after that they went to train taijutsu together for 1 hour during which Akihiro was thinking 'today is very important, I can't wait to meet hashirama', he got 5 skill points in taijutsu from training then Madara said "I am going to wander around a bit you wanna join me, Aki?".

Aki thought ' there is no need to stalk him now thank god ' and agreed immediately.

They started to walk slowly enjoying the early morning, the lingering smell of morning dew, the soft breeze it was a very satisfying feeling after 20 minutes in a comfortable silence they reached a small river with each side full of tiny stones.

Aki thought ' so this is the place it looks ordinary ', Madara picked a stone and threw it like in the anime, after it bounced on the water twice it fell into the river.

Madara pouted for a moment, then sighed and looked at Aki he said " brother I noticed how you changed yesterday, you were always cheerful but now, you have become much more reserved and laugh less. " Aki became nervous, after all, he was spot on but then relaxed after hearing the rest " I realize you went through a lot, killing to survive no one our age should go through it, yet children are trained to be killers from the moment they can walk and talk, I wish to change that, I want to save the future generation from war and give them peace and happiness. I want them to have a childhood and don't die because of greed and hatred of humankind, Aki what do you think ?!".

Aki was shocked silly after hearing that, the last thing he expected Madara to say was this type of speech, as he was getting ready to answer, another voice interrupted their conversation " Madara who is this? " Aki looked behind him and noticed a child version of hashirama walking toward them he thought ' of course Madara and hashirama met when Madara was a child means it has already been some time since they have become rivals and friends '.

Madara looked a bit pissed for the interruption, and said: " he is my younger brother Akihiro hmmph".

hashirama sweatdropped and said " whats with the attitude Madara? ", he turned toward Aki and politely said "hello my name is hashirama nice to meet you Akihiro", Aki "nice to meet you too let's be friends hashirama ".

hashirama said: " sure why not ?! " Aki thought ' his character is so easy going and warm, so that's their difference one does everything alone the other with his friends and allies. no wonder hashirama won '

after that, they started to have fun running around training at some point they sat and the talk between Madara and hashirama started about getting stronger to end the war and bring peace, it was the same as the anime except in the end both turned toward Aki asking the same thing " what do you think, Aki ? " Aki started to ponder and answered "I agree it is time someone did something about this situation " they both looked pleased, Madara said " then let's get stronger so we can end the war because if we want to convince our clans we need strength first " Hashirama agreed and we parted ways and returned to Uchiha clan.

[Quest completed befriend hashirama zanpakuto unsealed host can take it out from inventory]

I bade Madara farewell and went to my room and took out my zanpakuto it was similar to Tensa Zangetsu except for the handle it is dark blue and the pattern that separates the handle from the blade looks like a shuriken ' it looks so badass I wonder what my Shikai and Bankai is well I need to train '.

After that Akihiro started training using his knowledge from training exercises that he remembered from the anime and his own creativity, he trained in Fire style jutsu, Lighting style jutsu, taijutsu, Genjutsu, kenjutsu and his Sharingan After 1 month he got a complete 3tomoe Sharingan.

Besides training, he would do system quests and gather SP and lvl up, the fighting gave him a lot of battle experience with his training focused on skills and fighting to use them in battle he got better every day sometimes he and Madara would go to fight together, in the end, it turned into competition poor enemy ninja didn't know what hit them before they died.

It got to a point Aki started to get famous, Aki wore a mask like Kakashi in the series he was called the Godspeed Uchiha because of his kenjutsu techniques, extreme speed, and deadliness, he bought Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū from the system shop for 8,000 points which is from Rurouni Kenshin series and combined it with his own understanding, when the clan asked where he got his sword technique he said "I created this technique after experiencing many life and death battles ".

He had gathered the respect of Uchiha and fear of his enemies, Madara had an extremely competitive relationship with him and trained even harder and thus was a bit stronger than the series, Izuna would ask Aki to train him once in a while which Aki accepted and led to Izuna becoming stronger than the series too.

they would meet with hashirama every once in a while to train or have fun together which deepened their bond of friendship.

Akihiro bought killua's godspeed technique after the first year, it cost him 20,000 sp he modified it so that it uses chakra, and it became his Ace jutsu coupled with his zanpakuto, it became a terrifying combination which system ranked as an SSS class jutsu. Unfortunately, he needs kage lvl chakra reserves to use it freely in battle.

3 years went by ...

In a clearing 5 Senju ninja where fighting against a lone figure dressed in black Uchiha clothes with a black mask covering below his eyes, the figure who looked like a teenager fought 5 middle aged ninjas alone, Aki jumped below him the earth turned into mud to trap him using his Sharingan, he saw one of the 5 casting water bullet jutsu while he is still in mid-air, he used a smaller version of Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction to incinerate 2 of the 5 men, after that he used substitution and appeared on top of a nearby tree while scouting the surroundings with his Sharingan.

he saw one was half burned and the other 2 where trying to retreat with their comrade, his zanpakuto appeared in his hand while he focused for a second and then his godspeed mode was activated, although it uses a lot of chakra it can be used for several seconds by his current reserves, suddenly he vanished in blue lightning and appeared behind them and put his zanpakuto back in its sheath the three were sliced to 100 pieces.

" even though my reserves have reached jonin lvl I can only use it for 22 seconds, system show me my status "

[Race: human

Name: Akihiro Uchiha

Age: 12

HP:190/200 reg:9hp/min CP:11310/11310 reg: 620Chk/min


lvl: 235 (3020/11900) ({high kage locked due to age} High jonin)

Strength(Str): 145

Dexterity(Dex): 165

Endurance(End): 131

Vitality(Vit): 61

Intelligence(int): 18 (iq=185 upgradable under certain conditions)

wisdom(wis): 73

Charm: 44 (Very handsome upgradable under certain conditions)

chakra: 1131/33000 {locked because of age} ( 100 avg genin, 500 avg chunin, 1000 avg jonin, 5000 elite jonin, 10,000 kage, 50,000 demigod (tailed beasts), 100,000 six paths, 1,000,000 god )

AP: 500 {locked because of age}

Skills: (Amateur, Adept, Skilled, Master, Grandmaster{S,SS,SSS})

Taijutsu: Master 780/800 (hand to hand combat)

Ninjutsu: Grandmaster 120/1600 (combat technique related to chakra) (A rank jutsu mastery, S Skilled, SS Adept, SSS Amateur)

godspeed: (Rank: SSS) Master 40/800, 500chk/sec

Genjutsu: Mastery 30/800 (illusion and deception combat techniques)

Sharingan: (Rank: A+) Grandmaster 700chk/use

Kenjutsu: Grandmaster 410/1600 (weapon mastery for combat) (kunai & shuriken) (zanpakuto)

Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: (rank: SS) Grandmaster 1100/1600

Sharingan: Grandmaster (Ability to use Sharingan in combat) (3tomoe) 600chk/min

Skill points: 0

System points: 43500]

"ok system how much does Mangekyou Sharingan cost ?"

[Awakaning Mangekyou Sharingan Cost 15000 points with random ability, Awakening Mangekyou Sharingan with choosing its ability 25000 points, Awakening Mangekyou Sharingan with creating its abilities costs 40000 points, upgrading to eternal version cost 20000 points]

'all the points I have gathered in these 3 years gone like that ahhhh'

"I chose the 3rd option"

[create the abilities, host you have 3 slots one of your abilities must have a weakness]

"fine, hmm okay first is (immunity to all Genjutsu) that's a must for the future. second is (Susano) for large-scale combat I want mine to look like a silver armored white angel warrior with 2 dark silver swords like my zanpakuto and 4 big wings for maneuvering, defense, and flying."

"the last ability I need something to manipulate people hmmm, I got it, I want Aizen's Shikai (Kyoka suigetsu) everyone who looks me directly in the eye even in Sharingan form will be the same as looking at Aizen's sword and only weakness is direct skin contact which will dispell the Genjutsu"

[choose pattern]

"ok this is good ("


System points: 3500]

Aki suddenly felt a very hot feeling in his eyes and tears of blood went down his face.

the surroundings became much more detailed and slower, he felt information regarding his abilities appearing in his mind, he felt his chakra capacity increasing and his thought process becoming faster and smoother.

'so this is Mangekyou Sharingan it's really strong and it looks really cool finally one of my favorite fantasies has become reality '.

' its time I go back to the clan the intense clashes between Madara and hashirama will begin a couple months later I need to make sure the story doesn't change much '

" Show me my status "

[Race: human

Name: Akihiro Uchiha

Age: 12

HP:190/200 reg:9hp/min CP:16310/16310 reg: 620Chk/min


lvl: 235 (3020/11900) ({high kage locked due to age} High jonin)

Strength(Str): 145

Dexterity(Dex): 165

Endurance(End): 131

Vitality(Vit): 61

Intelligence(int): 19 (iq=194 upgradable under certain conditions)

wisdom(wis): 73

Charm: 44 (Very handsome upgradable under certain conditions)

chakra: 1631/33500 {locked because of age} ( 100 avg genin, 500 avg chunin, 1000 avg jonin, 5000 elite jonin, 10,000 kage, 50,000 demigod (tailed beasts), 100,000 six paths, 1,000,000 god ) (x10 for chakra points)

AP: 500 {locked because of age}

Skills: (Amateur, Adept, Skilled, Master, Grandmaster{S,SS,SSS})

Taijutsu: Master 780/800 (hand to hand combat)

Ninjutsu: Grandmaster 120/1600 (combat technique related to chakra) (A rank jutsu mastery, S Skilled, SS Adept, SSS Amateur)

godspeed: (Rank: SSS) Master 40/800, 500chk/sec

Genjutsu: Mastery 30/800 (illusion and deception combat techniques)

Kyoka Suigetsu: (Rank: SS) Amateur 0/100, 200chk/mark, 400chk/min/person {active}

Sharingan: (Rank: A+) Grandmaster 700chk/use

Kenjutsu: Grandmaster 410/1600 (weapon mastery for combat) (kunai & shuriken) (zanpakuto)

Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: (rank: SS) Grandmaster 1100/1600

Sharingan: Grandmaster (Ability to use Sharingan in combat) (3tomoe) 600chk/min

Mangekyou Sharingan Amateur 0/100 (Ability to use Mangekyou Sharingan in combat)

Absolute Genjutsu immunity

Susano: (Rank: SS) Amateur 0/100, 10000chk/min

Perfect Susano: (Rank: SSS) Amateur 0/100, 30000chk/min

Skill points: 0

System points: 3500]