Clone's Memories and the past

After Aki, the original left Naruto world. the clone Aki did not train anymore like the original, he knew that his strength was fixed, he was comparable to avg jonin and when he becomes an adult he would have chakra reserves of a strong kage and very powerful techniques which will, power vise place him slightly below adult Madara (clones chakra is 60% of original, as an adult his chakra stat would be 21,000 which would amount to 210,000 chk points while the avg kage is 10,000 = 100,000 points).

After all the originals max chakra in adult form is comparable to the weakest tailed beast (33,000 = 330,000).

Time past nothing noteworthy happened for a while the Senju and Uchiha fought like the Original series, the only difference was the existence of Aki's clone, which never killed anyone, in fact when he defeated his enemies, he would either injure them or knock them out, afraid of changing the timeline too much.

The clashes between hashirama and Madara were very intense while Izuna fought with hashirama but a big disaster struck the clone, the perfect blood clone technique had 2 fatal Flaws that system hadn't informed Aki.

1- If the original is dead or very far away from the clone, the connection between their soul would weaken and gradually cease to exist, which will make the clone weak or sick at times.

2- The blood clone had an extreme weakness against poison to a point, where any poison would be 10 times more lethal to the blood clone.

The 1st weakness was the reason he couldn't participate in some of the battles because he was either very weak or sick. the clan labeled his condition as a rare uncurable disease which made Madara and Izuna very protective and on edge in battles in which he participated.

Izuna died like in the series, the clone wasn't there because he was sick resting in Uchiha clan.

After hearing the news he unconsciously activated his Mangekyou Sharingan, it surprised the clan and even Madara was dumbfounded, but less than others because he awakened his Mangekyou in the battlefield when Izuna died.

Madara after using mangekyou realized the price for the powers was losing eyesight, he speculated that by replacing eyes with a relative the flaw would vanish.

he wanted to replace the clone's eyes with Izuna's but he faced the clone's refusal. he replaced them with his own which gave him the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

Madara preserved his own eyes, just in case he needed them, the battles between Madara and Hashirama grew only more destructive.

In the soon to be the last battle between Uchiha and Senju, Madara fought fiercely with godlike powers and his susano, while Hashirama had summoned his wood golem.

they were clashing with heaven shaking destructive powers, at the corner of the battlefield 2 blurs where clashing, one was engulfed in blue lightning the other vanished and reappeared randomly, firing jutsu and weapons at each other they were fighting at the extremes of speed one was using space powers the other pure raw speed to keep up.

They have been fighting for hours now and none of them had a clear advantage, Tobirama said: " Akihiro, I know you were once a friend of my brother, let's stop this meaningless battles, didn't you dream to end the conflict in this world with hashirama ".

the clone Said: " you don't get to talk about ending the conflict you killed Izuna, did you not? ", Tobirama retorted: " it was an accident, I didn't intend to kill him, I thought he could dodge but he was distracted for a moment and it became a fatal hit ".

the battle continued for nearly a day, the lands were completely ravaged only leaving behind ruins, on one side Madara had fallen on the ground on his back due to exhaustion, with Hashirama half kneeling beside from both panting from the intense fight.

on the other side near the first site stood the clone, holding a kunai against the fallen tobirama with an exhausted expression.

Madara's site was surrounded with Senju clan members and the Clone's site with Uchiha members.

Madara was the first to speak " so it ends like this hashirama huh " Hashirama replied " Madara, I still believe in our dream lets end this fighting " Madara said " what of Izuna's death then, I won't let his sacrifice be in vain " Hashirama replied " Madara Don't make me do this, you still have a brother you can protect, let's stop this fighting for the sake of our brothers " Madara's face went through complicated expressions and said "I can't let Izuna death be without meaning, either kill yourself or let Aki kill Tobirama and don't avenge him ".

Hashirama expression became thoughtful then determined he said "I will kill myself today, I forbid Uchiha and Senju fighting together from now on. "

he took out a kunai ready to pierce his own heart that Madara stopped him midway and said: " that's enough lets end this fighting once and for all ".

After that day the Uchiha and Senju created an alliance and founded the village hidden in the leaves with Hashirama and Madara being the founders.

Hashirama became the first Hokage after several years because the village had a Senju leader conflict gradually grew between Uchiha and Senju again because Uchiha thought it was unfair Hashirama to prevent this wanted to make Madara the 2nd Hokage, Madara refused and he recommended Akihiro.

The year after that Akihiro become the second Hokage the conflict settled down. 1 year later The village was attacked by all the other newly created villages, the kazekage, mizukage, tsuchikage and raikage felt threatened by the village hidden in the leaves and the monsters inside it like Madara and hashirama to a point they created an alliance, attacked the village hidden in the leaves.

This was the beginning of the first shinobi world war which ended in a very surprising way Akihiro's clone suppressed the whole village hidden in the cloud and its force by his susano and speed gaining the world-renowned Moniker Godspeed Uchiha (imagine a Susano being powered by killua godspeed), Madara suppressed and crushed the village hidden in the stones and its force by himself, tobirama suppressed the sand and Hashirama suppressed the village hidden in the mist by himself.

10 years After the war, one day the clones was sick as usual, he was poisoned by someone unknown, due to his weakness against poisons he died shortly after.

Akihiro " kid tell me what happened after I died first, I am curious to know ".

Obito " Yes, after your death conflict intensified between Uchiha and Senju again, the Uchiha were suspicious of the Senju especially Madara for your death, Madara left the village disappointed in its working, conflict only grew between Uchiha and Senju till this day it continues but it hasn't reached a point where they start to fight.

Madara returned to destroy the village 2 years later with the 9 tails, he was stopped by Hashirama, they fought and both supposedly perished in that battle, Madara surviving by a fluke and acquiring a part of hashirama sells awakened the Rinnegan later in life and used the Rinne rebirth jutsu to revive you.

As for the village, tobirama became the 3rd Hokage and sold out the 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 tails 3 years later to the other villages for high prices in the kage summit.

This itself instigated the 2nd shinobi world war 5 years later because the other villages grew greedy for Konohagakure's resources and land, it lasted for 4 years and tobirama was ambushed and killed in the end making sarutobi the 4th Hokage.

it was peaceful for 12 years but the 3rd shinobi world war began for the same reason this time everyone was greedy for everyone's resources it lasted for 3 years. "

Aki ' the plot is relatively stable at least, I wonder who poisoned me hmm ', Aki " tell me where I am

and who are you? ".

Obito " I am the successor of Madara's will Obito Uchiha, it doesn't matter where we are, it has been 2 years since the 3rd shinobi world war ended "

Aki expression became serious and asked: " tell me what Madara's will means? and what words did he want you to convey to me? what do you want to do that needs my help? "