10 year tournament

Winds gushing at him, Tree in his way, Yu Lie easy made it to the Springs. Eagerly he took of all of his clothes and was but naked, He directly Jumped into the Spring!


Right when Yu Lie, dove into the Springs, he knew that he felt something off. Instead of feeling the Hard ground, He felt something, soft and squishy, to his surprise he was holding too small balls in his hand. After feeling those "Balls" he moved his eyes up, two delicate eyes stared at him coldly.

" You Bastard, release me! " the Figure yelled at Yu LIe

Knowing that this was going to be an problem, Yu Lie quickly moved his hands and moved back a few steps. " Ah, Fairy Maiden, this truly was misunderstanding, You see i was not expecting anyone to be here"

" A misunderstanding? You Bastard the place where you put your hand at, was that still a misunderstanding? Fine cut out one of your eyes and we are even" angrily stated the Cute figure.

" Hahahaha, cut my eye out! Do you think your an goddess? I've held your body, so what. There was nothing to see there, the two balls were extremely small. I've seen a better body than yours, plus we have bathed before when we were kids. from that time and today your body hasn't changed anything" Yu Lie amusingly said to his childhood friend Liane Blythe.

" You Know what has Changes over this time period! My little brother! Since i saw Your "ok" Body, it is rightly so for you to see my brother, But be beware you may became Dazed By it" Yu LIe started to get up and walk towards Liane

Suddenly a Katana appeared in his hands, In a matter a few of few minutes she became nervous, humiliated, and angry . In here entire life she had never been humiliated this much as she had today, angered had risen in here. She who came with her father, came to visit this vile beast, and just encountered an ugly situation.

"You Fucken Pervert! If you come any closer, i will chop of your little thing".

" Ey, Fairy Maiden, this isn't how your suppose talk, Its alright today i will not only come close to you, but i will happily teach you how to properly talk"

" You Bastard! I've warned you, come and eat my slash than. Blistering Mist Slash!"

" Ah, you've been gain improved in Blue Mist Slashes, good" Yu Said. He didn't withdraw any weapons or use any skills against her, he felt no Killing intent coming from her, and this strike was even half power, he knew she was just trying to scare him.

But Yu Lie did not whiter, as Liane got close to him, he rotated his body to get closer to her and grabbed her waist and rotated a full 360 degrees. The only issue was that he forgot he was in water, so when he rotated, both of them fell.


At this moment, the duo were connected again, just like how day met a few minutes ago. The only difference was that, Liane was on top... also there lips were connected and surprising there privates parts came in contract...

" Oh my goodness, I'm Leaving, I'm Leaving, You Pervert!" Liane had become red, she quickly got changed and left, Leaving Yu Lie in a Dazed state.

With a smile, Yu Lie washed in the springs, after that he quickly change into a new pair of clothes and directly went back to Stone Village.

Two years had gone by and in these two years Stone Village went under an abrupt change, It had become more powerful! Yu Lie, had learned from Peng Long that is father had broken into the Core Creation realm, but once he returned, he was surprised to see that his Mother had broken through as well.

" Hahaha, Brat You finally decide to return, come let your Uncle Mo see how much you've grown?" Right as Yu Lie was entering his house, he heard a loud voice calling him. He knew this voice right of the bat.

" Hahaha, Uncle Blythe, its good to see you again, I told you Guys that one day i will stand at the top of Iron Continent"

When Mo Blythe heard that Yu Lie had broken into the Core Creation realm in a years time, he was truly surprise and Shocked, Only in the ancient Era did Genius like this popped up.

" Enough, come inside and let me see how my son is doing" Behind Uncle Mo, Stood two figure, one was of a middle age man and the other was of a female figure was of a female, and this was Yu Lie Mother, Li Luan. When Yu Lie had left two train for the two years, he did so without telling her. She was quite angry and today was the day she could take it all out on him!

After taking out her frustration of him, The four family member and Uncle Mo had dinner, at the seat right in front of him a delicate figure sat, it was none other than Liane! today every time she looked at Yu LIe, disgust and angered could be seen, while also a red blush.

This was also noticed by the entire family members as well, the group didn't know what had happen, all they could do was laugh inside,

" Little Yu, today i came with Little Liane, to see how much you've grown, and i am surprised and shocked. You have the chance to enter 10 year tournament!"

" 10 Year tournament?"

Right than Liane finally talked, " It a tournament that hosted by the Four Clans, 3 Sects and the royal Family, It happens every 10 years and the strongest Martial artist of our own age group come and compete to see who is the strongest!"

" But! Strongest Artist in iron continent? I can finally see where i rank against the strongest! Where do i sign up!"

" Hahaha, signing period doesn't happen until next month, both i and Liane will stay here and leave in a months time with You, Why don't you and Liane work together this next month and help each improve.

" I'm happy with that Uncle Mo" Yu Lie turned to look at Liane only find her with anger written all of her face. She was about to reject her fathers proposal, But the little devil came in the way and accepted!

The first week, it was tough for Liane to work with Yu Lie, but after that she became shocked at how much he knew, eventually the pair started training . Yu Lie helped her train the Blue Mist Slashes, and helped her find hole in her move sets. She helped Yu Lie in Sparring, this allowed him to see where he stood against the genius and also know what he lacked! with both of them helping each other they corrected there lacks!